Friday 17 November 2017

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Forex Capital Markets Limited er autorisert og regulert i Storbritannia av Financial Conduct Authority Registreringsnummer 217689.Tax Treatment Den britiske skattebehandlingen av dine økonomiske spillaktiviteter avhenger av dine individuelle omstendigheter og kan endres i fremtiden, eller kan variere i andre jurisdiksjoner. Opphavsrett 2017 Forex Capital Markets Alle rettigheter r eserved. Northern Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD Selskapet er innlemmet i England Wales nr. 04072877 med registrert kontor som ovenfor. Vi bruker informasjonskapsler for å forbedre ytelsen og funksjonaliteten til nettstedet vårt, noe som i siste instans forbedrer surfopplevelsen din. fortsetter å bla gjennom dette nettstedet, godtar du bruk av informasjonskapsler. Du kan endre innstillingene for informasjonskapsler når som helst. Lær mer. Din nettleser er utdatert. Med Londons LAZIEST TRADER. Call handel fra så lite som 10 minutter om dagen. 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Du må ha lagt merke til den endeløse strømmen av folk som tilbyr Forex råd på internett Bare hold forex opplæring i Google og de alle dukker opp i annonsen bar. Hard å fortelle hvem som er ekte og hvem er bare ute for å svindle deg, er det ikke fordi det er mange medmennesker for å få ærlige folk som bare vil tjene litt ekstra penger. Men Rob er den virkelige avtalen. Jeg har vært en klient i bare noen få uker, og allerede har balansen økt med en solid 10, og hvis jeg ikke hadde handlet med lavest mulig beløp per poeng, ville det vært mye mer. I morgen skal jeg betale ut pengene jeg laget på den siste handelen og ta kjæresten min ut til middag. Handelsweek gikk som dette. Som en Lazy Trader Ultimate klient får du følgende forex-opplæring. Første arrest i forexskandal Tidligere RBS-handler holdt mistanke om å rigge 3 5 trillion valutamarkedet. Tidligere handelsmann ved RBS blir først anholdt i forex skandale. Han mistenkes for å rigge 3 5 trillion om dagen utenlandsk utveksling e market. City of London politiet og Serious Fraud Office arresterte trader på Friday. RBS og HSBC blant seks banker bøtelagt totalt 2 6 milliarder for rolle i racket. Publisert 22 59 GMT, 21. desember 2014 Oppdatert 09 08 GMT, 22. desember 2014. En tidligere handelsmann ved Royal Bank of Scotland har blitt den første britiske banken som ble arrestert med mistanke om å rigge 3 5 trillion per dag valutamarkedet. London-politiets og det alvorlige svindelkontoret arresterte den navngitte mannen på en adresse i Billericay i Essex på fredag ​​morgen. SFO nektet å gi ytterligere detaljer, og bekreftet bare at en person ble arrestert i forbindelse med en av undersøkelsene. Men kilder bekreftet at den enkelte arbeidet hos RBS og var involvert i handel med utenlandsk rente. tidligere handelsmann ved Royal Bank of Scotland har blitt den første britiske banken som ble arrestert med mistanke om å rigge 3 5 trillion per dag valutamarkedet. Slike banker, inkludert RBS og HSBC, ble bøtelagt totalt 2 6billion av UK og USA regulatorer i måneden for deres del i racket. Bankers, som kalte seg A-Team, Three Musketeers og The Players colluded online ved å dele konfidensiell informasjon om kunder valuta ordrer for å øke sine bonuser. Eksperter tror dette er bare den første av mange handlinger, med mange handelsmenn som står overfor fengsel for en skandale som i stor grad antas å være enda større enn Libor-rentegodset svindel. Det seriøse svindelkontoret lanserte en kriminell undersøkelse av det spredte Forex-markedet i juli, men har til nå ikke gjort noe arrestert, til tross for at rundt 30 bankmedlemmer ble avbrutt eller suspendert. RELATERTE ARTIKLER. Jeg skal balansere bøker, sier Ed, men han kan ikke si hvordan Faktisk store banker er satt til å avklare høye gater neste år som de. Bitter rad i røret som tusenvis av små investorer. Del denne artikkelen. David Buik, en veteran finansiell kommentator fra megler Panmure Gordon, beskrev valutaskandalen som den skrekkeste episoden i mine 52 år som jobbet i byen. Han s hjelp jeg ville bli overrasket om det ikke var mange flere arrestasjoner. Valutamarkedet er den største i verden, slik at det kan gjøres noen feil i forhold til Libor-priser, som om det er en Vicarage-tefest til sammenligning. De som er skyldig i svindel, skal sendes til fengsel. Kilder bekreftet at individet jobbet hos RBS og var involvert i handel med utenlandske nåværende priser. Utviklingen fremstår som RBS er i denne uken forventet å gi en oppdatering på sin interne etterforskning i Forex markedet, og straffen måles ut til rogue employees. It mistenker at 50 tidligere og nåværende ansatte kan ha vært involvert - sammenlignet med bare 21 involvert i Libors renterisiko-konspirasjon som også førte til store bøter for banker, inkludert RBS. Det forventes å demonstrere at det har tatt en hard linje, og presset trykket på SFO for å få ytterligere arrestasjoner. Når det ble bøtelagt nesten 400 millioner i forrige måned, innrømmet statens støttet utlåner at bare seks ansatte hadde vært disiplinert, inkludert tre suspendert. John Mann, et Arbeidermedlem i Treasury Select Co mmittee sa jeg forventer å se flere arrestasjoner De involverte skal holdes til konto, men jeg vil også forvente at de arresterte for å avsløre seniorledere som ble blinde øye. Noen er sannsynlig å være nåværende eller tidligere ansatte i Barclays High street giant ansikter en bot på mer enn 500million for å manipulere valutamarkeder, til tross for å nekte å bosette seg med regulatorer i oktober. Hans konsernsjef Antony Jenkins forrige uke innrømmet at 500millionen det hadde avsatt for å dekke regningene, ville nok ikke være nok. Pressen vokser på Regjeringen og myndighetene til å kreve hodebunnen av en høy profilbanker Mer enn syv år siden løp på Northern Rock har ikke en eneste senior banker blitt fengslet for sin rolle i finanskrisen. Så langt har Serious Fraud Office arrestert 13 ansatte for å manipulere Libor renter som brukes til å sette kostnaden for boliglån. Bare en har blitt belastet etter å ha gjort seg skyldig i oktober til konspirasjon for å bedra. Navnene til Nidividual og de 12 andre arresterte har blitt beskyttet av en rettsordre. Del eller kommentere denne artikkelen. Vi går ikke på festen Judy Finnigan og Richard Madeley forlater pub lunsj dato med en flaske sprut innpakket i en avis. Gravid Binky Felstead hevder ting er bedre enn noensinne med JP som uoverbevisede Holly Willoughby spørsmålet om hennes beau kan håndtere det. Baywatch stjerne Samantha Hoopes viser ut sin sensasjonelle kroppsbygning i bikini og HJELLE å spille ballspill på sett med Dwayne Johnson. Som om hun var sammen med sine andre virkelighetsstjerner, kjører Ferne McCann og Kady McDermott rundt Chloe Meadows etter sin flammende rad med Amber Turner på TOWIE. Jorgie Porter glatter hennes sensasjonelle kroppsbygning i knapt det hvite bikini som hun lurer rundt i solskinnet Dubai pause . De kommer til å voldte meg Kim Kardashian ble holdt nede i seng av en væpnet røver som hun mentalt prepped for det verste under Paris-røveriet. Nicole Kidman har intens sex scene med skjorteløs Alexander Skarsgard på kjøkkenbordet på Big Little Lies Femte episode. Du i den bikini gjør mannen din lykkelig Piers Morgan, komplimenter Lorraine Kelly, 57, på hennes fabfigur som hun diskuterer jubileumsturen. Erstatning s Vicky McClure kutter en glamorøs figur i en chic krembukser på Empire Awards har vunnet rave vurderinger for hennes siste rolle. X-klassifiserte bilder av Holly Willoughby stjålet og truet for bruk på nettet når hun slutter seg til Millie Mackintosh på ny liste over stjerner som er målrettet av hackere. PICTURE EXCLUSIVE Busty Nicki Minaj er sentrum for oppmerksomhet som hun bærer bejeweled headpiece og knapt der kjole for videoskyting. Sam Faiers ser uanstrengt chic i å plukke rosa topp og skinn-jeans som hun liker å handle med babyen Paul og svigersønnen Gaynor. MIC s Louise Thompson viser sensasjonell figur i å kaste badedrakt som skjorteløs Ryan Libbey viser av sin muskuløs kroppsbygning i Dubai. Camela Anderson, 49, teaser hennes berømte eiendeler som hun låner fra femtiotallet i å kaste opp pin-up jente kjolen til Paris natt ute. Se ut Gigi Lisa Rinn som modell datter Delilah flaunts hennes flate mage som hun vender fortauet i hennes catwalk i sexy laced up crop topp. Gavin Rossdale sier han ikke vil at hans barn skal følge ham inn i musikkbransjen og avslører ex-kona Gwen Stefani inspirerer fortsatt sitt arbeid. Coronation Street kunne møte Ofcom etterforskning etter oversvømmelse av klager fra seerne om å forstyrre Bethany Platt sexringshistorie. SPILLERHJELP Corrie s rømt morder Rob møter Amy i regnet etter Tracy arrestert som Marc Baylis forsøker å holde lav profil mens han filmer. Hvem sa romantikk var død Little Mix star Jesy Nelson har en fest med fastfood med ny TOWIE star kjæreste Chris Clark etter søt PDA. Jeg gir bare dette en Little Mix TOWIE cast poke moro på Chris Clark som de driller på sin nye romantikk med popstjerne Jesy Nelson på show. Blooming vakre Gravid Rosie Huntington-Whiteley smoulders i en bikini og komfortable Ugg støvler etter å ha annonsert hun s forventer sitt første barn. Malin Akerman og hunky beau Jack Donnelly tar sin romantikk til neste nivå som de liker kino-tur med sønnen Sebastian. Peta Murgatroyd viser sin svelte figur som hun nyter dato med forloveden Maksim før han tar to måneder gammel sønn Shai til DWTS sudio. Ibiza Weekender stjerne Hayley Fanshaw ser baring hennes bryst og bunn i nyoppussede racybilder fra hennes dager som en naken livsmodell. Bare ring meg LeBond Matt LeBond Top Gear-vert Matt LeBlanc sender seerne inn i en frenesi etter å ha stilt på smoking for 007-inspirert skisse. Chloe Khan kjemper for å inneholde sin fulle 32HH klyvning i TINY hvit bikini parret med blendende kroppskjede under kyststrend i Dubai. Anne Hathaway utstråler våren elegant i en tynn stripet tee og stilig fedora da hun har en solo shoppingtur. Oscar-vinnende skuespillerinne tok en pause. Kjære Emily Ratajkowski går helt naken til dagslimet dipping da hun nyter en bikini-pause i Mexico Stripping ned før stripping av. Få Gwyneth livet Miss Paltrow lanserer en rekke 72 vitaminer for å hjelpe travle kvinner akkurat som henne har alt og håndtere overgangsalderen. Kourtney Kardashian blinker kjøttet i blonder-bukser som Kim avslører at hun fryktet eldre søster ville finne sin døde kropp etter Paris-røveri. Det er hva venner er for Kendall Jenner trapper ut med Frank Ocean og Hailey Baldwin etter innbrudd Robbed på 200.000-verdi av smykker. Broadchur ch s Charlie Higson SWEARS på fjernsynet forlater Susanna Reid fluffet som han er tvunget til å be om unnskyldning. Han er blitt svoret til hemmelighet. Olivier Buckland blinker hele hennes byste i ekstremt racy sheer topp som hun bizarrely ligner seg Beauty and the Beast heroine. Jeg er mer desperat i alt jeg gjør Ryan Reynolds innrømmer at farskap har gjort ham engstelig da han sliter med å tilbringe tid med sine to døtre. TOWIE s Mario Falcone holder seg nær den nydelige kjæresten Becky Meisner som de drar hjem etter romantisk Barbados break. Zayn Malik innrømmer kjærlighet har skadet ham som han antyder å mislykkes Perrie Edwards engasjement før han roser kjæresten Gigi Hadid. Jeg savner ham for mye Perrie Edwards låser lepper med kjæresten Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain i ost på toastpost mens hun fortsetter med US Little Mix tour. Strå opp en storm Tallia flaunts hennes morder abs i små blonderbralet og sportslige samtaler som hun liker jenter natt ute med Love Island s Tina Stinnes. A Del Rey av solskinn Singer Lana dekker opp i en grå kjole og brettet hue da hun nyter en avslappende dag på stranden i Malibu. Debbie McGee, 58, blinker i en gylden kjole etter sier at hun ikke føler seg skyldig i å ha en fnise om året fra ektemann Paul Daniels død. Supergirl co-stars Melissa Benoist og Chris Wood-brensel daterer rykter da de jetter inn i LAX sammen etter at hun ble oppdaget å gå sin hund. Det er den hjerteskjærende legendariske skuespillerinnen Julie Andrews, 81, treffer ut på amerikanske president Donald Trumps forslag om å kutte finansiering for kunsten. Det skulle bli filmet i år, Jeremy Swift avslører at Downton Abbey-filmskriptene er sendt til cast. Real Housewives of Chav-shire Ampika Pickston går braless i veldig skimpy topp da hun blir med på busty pal Tanya Bardsley på lout-themed party. Brave Shannen Doherty ser avslappet ut som hun leder ut for en romantisk middag med ektemannen etter å ha fullført kjemoterapi. SPØRSMELDING For første gang føler jeg at jeg tilhører The Walking Dead s Paul Jesus Rovia avslører at han er homofil i hjerte til hjerte med Maggie Rhee. Steph Davis deler søt video med nyfødt sønn Caben Albi som sov i armene hennes mens hun forsøker å gå videre fra ex Jeremy McConnell drama. Natural skjønnhet Rachel Bilson går sminkefri for familiedag på bøndermarkedet med datteren Briar Rose som hun forbereder seg til bli med i Nashville cast. Wet og Wild Pia Mia viser ut sin fantastiske strand kropp i skimpy badedrakt som hun ferier i Hawaii Den ene stykket viste hennes splitting. Busty Rhian Sugden spilder nesten ut av hennes rene LBD som hun viser av sine lange ben på Chase veldedighetsgala i London. Kate Hudson viser ut sin bikini-klare kropp i avlinger og side-splittede bukser til lunsjdato med mysterium mann. Absolutt klar for sommeren. Britney-modellen Louisa Warwick flaunts hennes fantastiske figur i en plunging hvit badedrakt som hun frolics på Malibu's solkystede bredder. Slutt å fortelle folk å sitte ned Adele STOPS konsert midt show for å spre det på sikkerhetsvakt under finalen konsert i Melbourne. Bikini babe Ewan McGregor s modell datter Clara dazzles i figur-flaunting psykedelisk todelt i sizzling selfie. Adam Rickitt gjenoppliver sin såpe skuespillerkarriere som han er kastet i Hollyoaks som Nancys ex-kjæreste kaster en nøkkel i verkene for henne og Darren. Hei, nydelig Eva Mendes viser bort morderkurver som modellens siste linje av klær samling trappet inn i spotlighten. Hvem visste at hun var en Neighbors fan Singer Adele gjør et stopp på Ramsay Street etter EPIC siste show i Melbourne. Funn i solen Kaia Gerber rocker beachy jean shorts og sweatshirt for casual utflukt i Malibu Den 15 år gamle ble oppdaget og om. Singaphwoar Pixie Lott flaunts hennes enviably tonet abs og peachy posterior i en sexy oransje bikini som hun ferier i Asia. Feeling din alder Jeremy Paxman, 66, bruker stokk under spasertur med ny elsker 30 år hans junior Split fra hei s kone i fjor. The Beast er hot Emma Watson vitser hun fant co-star Dan Stevens mer attraktiv i hans kostym Sense of humor. Som mor som datter Behati Prinsloo og hennes jente Dusty slitasje matchende ankler i søt snap Super søt Instagram snap. Someone s trøtt Justin Bieber feiler å knekke et smil på spennende jet båttur etter å ha pakket den australske etappen av sin Purpose World Tour. Skytingen var vanskeligere å bli enige om enn de fleste internasjonale dekkstjernene i dette magasinet s historie ELLE avslører Pia Miller sjefende nivå av kontroll. Hun har mye foran Courtney Stodden bares klyvning i å kaste naken kjole på gala fordel for dyr Hun er en ivrig tilhenger av beste menn. Giving spirit Demi Lovato markerer fem år med edru levende ved å personlig gi monetære donasjoner til veldedighet En stor milepæl. Å ta øynene av ballen Busty Khloe Kardashian roser henne Beau Tristan Thompson i basketballspillet da hun bringer Kourtney og hennes kjedte mamma Kris. Did Ed Sheeran stjeler en australsk komedie gruppe s spøk Sanger emulerer Aksen av Awesome s virale 4 Akkorder spøk under utseendet på nederlandsk TV. Tenk deg over loven, Arnie Arnold Schwarzenegger busted sykling rundt uten hjelm på for en tredje gang og sønnen Patrick har ikke det på seg heller. Han har en ball Justin Bieber overrasker en fan ved å handle i butikken sin og deretter invitere ham til å spille basketba ll gjenkjennelige ansikter familieforretningen presley gerber har på seg skjorta med sin mamma s name cindy crawford under photoshoot for sin pappa s tequila merkevare. alt går svømmende amy schumer deler søt og morsomt bilde fra bassenget med henne beau ben hanisch ingen mangel på ler. Hun lever i konstant frykt Rita Ora installerer 20.000 panikkrom inn i hennes hjem i London etter at skremmende innbrudd forlot henne mentalt arrestert. Joan Crawford minnes fondly hennes affære med hennes STEPFATHER og forteller hvordan hun mistet sin jomfruelighet til ham i en alder av ELEVEN i den siste episoden av Feud. Daddy s jente Miley Cyrus får en tatovering til ære for hennes berømte far Billy Ray Cyrus som stolt deler et bilde av datterens nye blekk. Ingen unnskyldninger Lily Collins feirer sin 28-årsdag ved å dele selfie i ironisk Beklager for Partying tee shirt Feiret henne 28. bursdag på lørdag. Det er ingen kjærlighet tapt i det hele tatt Reese Witherspoon rasende med co-star Nicole Kidman etter nedfall over deres nye TV-show Big Little Lies. Sophia Richie blinker midtveis i edgy denimoveralls for en avslappet dag med shopping med venner i Beverly Hills. i hennes ensemble. Nicki Minaj slår racy ut i slaveri-stil skinn bh og ren bodysuit i Instagram pics Racy skyting. Feling blå Slanke Laura Dern stuns i mørk tonet kjole på New York premiere av hennes film Wilson Ledende dame chic. Mummy s little Helper Megan Fox løper ærend i leggings og lysbilder sammen med eldste sønn Noah, fire Unbeatably stylish. Liam Gallagher tar sikte på falske bror Noel AGAIN som han bruker episk Twitter-angrep for å kunngjøre navnet på den velkjente nye single Not For Sale. Make-up gratis Jordana Brewster bærer sønn Rowan under dagligvarebutikk med familien. De ønsket velkommen sønn Rowan i juni i fjor. Han bør liste opp det hvite huset på Airbnb Chelsea Handler slår president Donald Trump og gir ham et godt budsjettbesparende tips. Paris Hilton har bare øyne for den nye modellen kjærligheten Chris Zylka som de feirer helgen borte Dating en profesjonell clotheshorse. Portia De Rossi avslører hennes slanke figur som hun forlater West Hollywood restaurant Craig s med kone Ellen DeGeneres Longtime par. Relaaaxxin Bella Hadid er nesten naken i en knapt der bikini under improvisert jamaicansk ferie. Dette er livet. Miley Cyrus blinker magen i beskåret tee og dratt jeans når hun tar søndagsbrunch med mor Tish og søster Brandi i Malibu. Er Bella Heathcote ENGAGED Fifty Shades skuespillerinne, 29, droner enorme sparkler fuktighet rykter hun er på vei ned midtgangen med partner Andrew, 50. Jeg faller inn i hans øyne og glemmer min dialog Jane Fonda sier at hun fortsatt swooned over Robert Redford mens hun jobber med sin fjerde film sammen. Robert Blake, 83, og hans brud-til-være nyte spasertur i Beverly Hills som Baretta stjerne frikjent av å myrde sin tredje kone planlegger å gifte seg igjen. Det er bare klebrig RHOA s Kenya Moore og Phaedra Parks kamp over skilsmisse fest under deres Maui ferie Funnet ut den harde måten. Heroine s beste venn Supergirl stjerne Melissa Benoist går hennes co-star Chris Woods hund Det virker som co-stjernene er super Lukk. Jeg vil elske deg for alltid Den moderne familiens skuespiller Rico Rodriguez far Roy går forbi og stjernen hilser i hjerterytende Instagram post. Billie Faiers-stepdad avslører bare hennes nyfødte s navn. Ny pappa Greg Shepherd slutter sin svigerfar til våt ARTHURs hode 12 dager etter fødselen. EastEnders Steve McFadden bjelker fra øre til øre som han er lauded av kvinnelige beundrere mens han deltar på nattklubbens utseende. Chuck Berrys første studioalbum på 40 år vil bli utgitt etter hans død. Rock n Roll-pioner jobbet på musikk dedikert til sin kone når han passerte. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Ramsay betaler 4m for stopgap feriehus Kokk kjøper en annen retrett i Cornwall mens du venter på herskapshuset skal gjenoppbygges. De siste fem årene har vært de beste Hilary Duff-ravene om sønn Luca, mens han feirer bursdag med Ghostbusters themed bash. Yazmin Oukhellou-sjokk TOWIE kastet ved å avsløre planene sine for å slå seg ned med James Lockie Lock før de selv hadde gjort sin romans offisielle. Hans motivasjon Ben Affleck smiler etter hvert som han tilbringer tid med sine tre barn etter å ha revolusjonert alkohol. Jeg er heldig mann Ronnie Wood, 69, pusser at hans kone Sally, 39, og deres ti måneder gamle tvillingjenter er hans idé om himmelen i søtt magasinskyting. Feilfri Jessica Chastain viser ut hennes porselenhud i knust fløyelkjole på NYC Filmscreening Hennes pels hadde en v-hals. Jeg var bekymret for at jeg skadet ham på en eller annen måte. Pia Miller snakker om å bli ungdomsmamma etter å ha født sin første sønn på 19. Sophie var definitivt i Harry-leiren. Venner av Aussie-modellen som ble avbildet med William på sin skiferie, hevdet hun faktisk Fancied hans bror. Real Housewives av New Jersey stjerne Kim D sender kondolanser til familier av de to mennene som ble funnet i hennes sønn s brent ut Audi. Jeg virker som en løve, men jeg er dum for kjærlighet Nicole Scherzinger snakker om å være en pussycat i relasjoner da hun avslører at hun diskuterer X Factor return. Hans Cody Simpson hadde en nesepost Bilder av sangeren, 20, antyder at han kanskje har gått under kniven siden han kom på musikkstedet som en tenåring. Jeg føler meg så mye lykkeligere Casey Donovan klar til å få sin karriere tilbake på sporet etter å ha sluppet 17kg på meg. En kjendis får meg ut av her. Halcyon s Hermione Corfield viser sin lette figur i en ren kjole når hun treffer imperiet tildeler rødt teppe en uke etter at TV-showet var aksert etter bare en sesong. Bondi babe Karlie Kloss bringer bane glamour til ikonisk Sydney-strand i imponerende skyting for Vogue Australia. Du stakk opp b Amber Turner slår Chloe Meadows for å sladre om hennes tryst med Dan Edgar som de beskylder hverandre for å ødelegge deres vennskap i hard row. It tar to Nicky Hilton og ektemannen James Rothschild holde hendene mens sammenlagt opp for morgenstroll. Fan Jenna Dewan Tatums datter Everly får midlertidig Disney-tatovering mens han er på bøndersmarkedet med kjente mor. PILER ALERT Micks familie samles for sin mor Sylvies begravelse UTEN EastEnders-stjernen Danny Dyer som det hevdes at skuespillernes retur er nært. Downtown med Upton Stilig Cate Blanchett koser seg når hun nyter romantisk arm-i-arm spasertur med ektemannen Andrew i snøhvit New York. Da ønsker Sasha og Rosita bli med i styrken da de forsøker å storme Negan s stronghold på Walking Dead Llaunched en selvmordsoppdrag. Alex Jones gir fans de Første glimt av baby Teddy i søt familie Instagram snap som hun feirer å snu milestone alder på 40. Jeg m ikke kommer til å holde tilbake Kim Kardashian plugger fortelle-all episode av KUWTK som sh e forbereder seg for å avsløre alt om den kvelden i Paris. Gjør meg smil Stephanie Davis deler sjeldent snap av bedårende sønn Caben Albi i kjølvannet av ex Jeremy McConnell arrestert for påstått overfall. Jennifer Lopez og ny beau Alex Rodriguez deler en golfbil når hun blir med på New York Yankees-spillet. Tidligere Vogue-redaktør Kirstie Clements avslører hva som virkelig skjer på moteshow og hvordan scenen har endret seg drastisk. Neste Jenner-ation Modellskjønnhet Kendall setter pulser racing som hun står i en serie med lunteunderklær for ny LaPerla-kampanje. Jakt på en morder i nattetiden din, Vera It s ikke et stilig utseende, kjæledyr CHRISTOPHER STEVENS vurderinger sist helg s TV. Catching up Vampire Diaries stjerne Paul Wesley og ex-kjæreste Phoebe Tonkin gjenforenes på bønder markedet. Mode eller faux pas En sliten og disheveled leter Richard Wilkins dons mismatched antrekk å plukke opp venn Karl Stefanovic på flyplassen. Wear-for-wear Katie Prisrisiko bringer henne hele derriere som hun klamrer seg i taxi etter gifting doting ektemann Kieran Hayler med en bil for sin 30th fødselsdag ay. Burning Bridges Michelle og The Commando forlot The Biggest Loser etter en pågående feide med cast og mannskap. Rock jam Dwayne Johnson stopper trafikken ved å spille med enorm ball under beachside film shoot. Drop det som et knep Big Brother s Lateysha Grace jobber opp en svette i klyvende flaunting rosa sportbH som hun trener i parken. Cheryl Hines og Robert F Kennedy Jr smiler alle på filmpremiere etter at de nylig har spekulert deres treårige ekteskap er skakket. To kvinner blir arrestert etter at X Factor-stjernen Lucy Spraggan er slått, BITTEN og har håret trukket ut i angrep etter å ha forlatt en konsert. Joanne Froggatt sizzles i superpungende kjole da hun nyter en mini Downton-gjenforening med Laura Carmichael på stjernespekket Empire Awards. Legg ned stilstunene hans Kourtney Kardashian Rocks slashed denim som hun leder til filmene med fasjonable datteren Penelope. Duchess søster ses jogging i London som det er avslørt Spencer Matthews vant t bli tillatt et pluss-en på hennes bryllup. E Llen Pompeo og Gray s Anatomy co-stars rock nyanser av blå på Paleyfest og snakke om den sjokkerende episoden. Fuglen var på hodet Kim Zolciak og døtre Ariana og Brielle tok en gondol tur rundt kanalene i Venice. Bride og Prejudice s Chris avslører at han fortsatt ikke snakker med foreldrene sine etter at de nektet å delta på sitt TV-bryllup til partner Grant . Å få Arnold Schwarzenegger tilbake på 70 er en tøff spørsmål. Terminator-film er trukket fra produksjonen etter at sjefene ble forelsket i ideen om en oppfølger. Å spille på full fart Vanderpump Rules star Scheana Marie cavorts med ny mann Robert Valleta på bikini pause Hun splittet fra hennes ektemann i november. Bianca Gascoigne viser hennes sensasjonelle kroppsbygning da hun øker sine ressurser i sizzling snakeskin bikini under Kypros pause. Når mamma går til Starbucks, deler Romeo Beckham snap av sin mamma Victoria s VERY Posh kaffe når hun kommer tilbake til Spice Girls kallenavn. Jeg lærer å være alene Den hotteste ledende dame hele tiden Scarlett Johansson på ekteskap, menn og erklærer krig mot Donald Trump. Han ser ut til å gjøre det bra Scott Disick sier at Rob Kardashian klarer seg godt med Blac Chyna-break-up. Hayley Atwell er bildet av raffinement i bardot blonderkjole da hun gjør show-stop-ankomst på 2017 Empire Awards. Jeg ønsker ikke å spille noen som er rasjonelt misbrukt, Thandie Newton hevder at det er slanke plukker for folk av farge på britisk tv på grunn av oppveksten av periodedrama. Legg til det gode livet Vinnere Sting og Trudie Styler sjekker ut konkurransen som de legger inn gjestutseende på Dusseldorf trade fair. En brølende hit Beauty and the Beast smashes i USAs weekendboksrekord med uforglemmende 170m debut. Georgia Love sett forlater Beauty and the Beast premiere med Bachelorette runner up Cameron Cranley etter å ha deltatt på premiere uten kjæreste. Former MIC-stjerne Nicola Hughes blinker pinnene hennes i pyntet frynset skjørt når hun slutter seg til en tilfeldig chic Tiffany Watson på Smurfs premiere. Hvilke søvnløse netter Den nye moren Beatrice Borromeo ser ut umulig nyfødt da hun slutter seg til Monaco's royals på Rose Ball mindre enn tre uker etter fødselen. Kjærligheten i livet mitt Behati Prinsloo ønsker Adam Levine gratulerer med fødselsdagen og deler bildet av ham i en fårhatt. Ta sjansen. I dag ser verten Karl Stefanovic uimpresset ut etter at han har fått dunked i vanntank for å samle inn penger til et barnas sykehus. Det vil være en flott mulighet Hollyoaks Duncan James innrømmer Blå bandmate Lee Ryan s EastEnders rolle vil være god disiplin for festen gutt. Litt frøken Sofia Lionel Richies sjef vender over et elegant nytt blad som hun slipper gaten for natt ut. På toppen av verden renner Suri Cruise på en pal s skuldre i bildet lagt ut av mor Katie Holmes. Jeg vil bare henge ut med Toadie og Harold Brendan Fevola sier at han er pumpet for å score en komo-rolle på naboene og stjernen sammen med radio co-host Fifi Box. De nygifte Amanda Seyfried og ektemannen Thomas Sadoski sett for første gang siden de i hemmelighet løste. Stephanie Pratt viser sin sensasjonelle figur i chic cornflower blå kjole som hun klær nye pet pooch Max som en SMURF for premiere. Monaco s Charlotte Casiraghi og hennes svigerinne Beatrice wow i gotisk glamour på den årlige Rose Ball, men hvor var Charlene og Albert. Jeg gjorde mer enn å kysse en jente Katy Perry avslører breakout hit ble inspirert av sine egne erfaringer Jeg kysset en jente var en følelse da den ble gitt ut første gang i 2008. Jeg vil alltid elske deg Jerseylicious star Mike Aktari døde 28 år gammel som ødelagt ex - kjæresten Olivia Blois betaler hyllest. Men har Bean en kostbar skilsmisse Rowan Atkinson støv av hans ikoniske sprø karakter for ny film i Kina to år etter splittelse fra kone i 24 år. Danniella Westbrook dons en ren bodysuit og hotpants som hun viser sin pole dancing ferdigheter i Marbella. Vi prøvde å overbevise ham om å bli Ta That Stars avsløre den virkelige grunnen Jason Orange forlot bandet og fortsett å forsøke å lokke ham tilbake. Hvordan Instagram-skjønnhet Sjana Earp sendte henne 1 2 millioner tilhengere til en vellykket bedrift hvor hun mottar opptil 15 000 per post. McFly s Harry Judd og kone Izzy dele søte klipp av deres baby datter Lola utter sitt første ord. Lover Island s Kady McDermott viser ut utrolig tonet derriere igjen etter å avsløre sin frekke side i raske skudd på romantisk break. Nikki Grahame forlater ingenting til fantasi som hun bærer henne undertøy fra under gothic blonder kjole på Kieran Hayler s 30th birthday. That s pants Charlotte McKinney blinker hennes undertøy i en liten skarlet kjole etter wild night out. Hun trekker ikke slag Sverige s Prinsesse Sofia forsøker hånden hennes ved BOKSING på åpningen av et ungdomssenter i Stockholm. Hvert område av livet mitt var så regimentert Zayn Malik avslører at hans spiseforstyrrelse var den eneste måten han kunne utøve kontroll i løpet av hans One Direction-dager. Billedet Tiny 30-seters kapell hvor George Michaels begravelse finner sted neste uke Pop superstar forventes å be laid to rest alongside his mother. Mini dress for a big day Shanina Shaik flaunts pert posterior in a TINY sequin slit dress as she celebrates a friend s birthday in Las Vegas. Has everyone seen Boomer Michael Phelps shows Larry King photos as new dad leaves baby at home for a date night with wife Nicole. Tina Malone turns heads with her new pixie cut and scarlet mini dress as she enjoys date night with husband Paul. They ain t stolen Lauren Goodger lashes out at critics as jailbird beau Joey Morrison launches luxury watch business from PRISON before he poses in cell block designer T-shirt. James Blunt reveals Ed Sheeran made him feel uncomfortable during songwriting sessions for his new album. TOWIE comeback king Mario Falcone s girlfriend Becky Miesner shows off her incredible beach body in scanty bikini during Barbados break after he brands her The One. Zoe Ball is spotted without her wedding ring while shopping in London as she moves on with new boyfriend Billy Yates following split from husband Fatboy Slim. Counting down the days Millie Mackintosh shares cute flashback holiday snap on Instagram as she gushes over boyfriend Hugo Taylor while he s away in Abu Dhabi. Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright look closer than ever as they brush rift rumours aside in loved-up selfie from a friend s wedding. Khloe Kardashian shuns low-key courtside style in favour of 10,500 ensemble complete with hoodie and thigh-highs. In a league of their own Doting dad James Corden enjoys a game of football with son Max, 5, as wife Julia and daughter Carey, 2, cheer on. Back from the jungle Lisa Curry looks radiant as she returns to Australia with her family after I m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Stephanie Davis returns to social media with sweet snap of son Caben s bedroom after ex Jeremy McConnell s arrest for alleged assault. PICTURE EXCLUSIVE Danielle Amstrong shows off rippling abs in barely-there bikini as she packs on PDA with beau Daniel Spiller in Dubai. It all depends on getting the right person David Tennant says he would back a female Doctor Who as Tilda Swinton is among those tipped to enter the Tardis. PICTURED Kat Graham collapses with food poisoning after claims she consumed a cannabis brownie. MORE DON T MISS. Imogen Thomas opts for total elegance in flowing midi skirt with cropped jumper as she brings daughter Ariana to star-studded Smurfs premiere. Abbey Clancy fought a lot of rage over diva BNTM contestants amid claims aspiring models were rude, ignorant and struggled to SMILE. Susan Sarandon, 70, cuts a stylish figure in a quirky Simpsons bomber jacket as she enjoys an ice hockey game with son Miles, 24.Katy Perry shows off her svelte figure in chic black and white gown with ruffled neckline at the Human Rights Campaign Gala in LA. Pregnant Cally Jane Beech shows off her growing bump in elegant white dress as she is supported at baby shower by pal Vicky Pattison. She s a knockout Sharon Stone, 59, puts on a busty display in a plun ging black dress as she leads the glamour at Muhammad Ali Celebrity Fight Night. Vanessa Redgrave, 80, and actor husband Franco Nero, 75, stun the crowd with romantic routine on Italy s Strictly Come Dancing. Blushing beauty Beyonce looks amazing as she displays her baby bump in a fitted dress and pink jacket. Drake admits he sends drunk texts to Jennifer Lopez on new album but their collaboration does not make the cut and Kanye won t be happy either. Apocalypto star Rudy Youngblood arrested for being drunk and disorderly after being abusive to other poker players at casino. Pretty in pink Gigi Hadid keeps it casual cool in salmon sweatsuit as she leaves NYC apartment. What a load of rubbish Danny Dyer s wife lashes out at claims her husband reeked of booze during an explosive fight in Selfridges. Pool party Kylie and Kendall Jenner soak up the sun poolside with pal Hailey Baldwin Kendall and Kylie Jenner teamed up with their good friend Hailey Baldwin. Blue wo Man Group Nina Dobrev and a group of her bikini babe gal pals cover their faces with body paint. Suki Waterhouse sparkles in plunging sequinned tank top as she promotes pop-up shop with gal pal Poppy Jamie. Girls weekend Bella Hadid whisks her pals to Jamaica in a last minute trip via private jet. Sannelig, don t anerkjenne den personen Lisa Riley aksepterer forbløffende throwback snap som hun bekjenner stolthet på hennes 10 STONE vekttap. I know my days are numbered Sir Michael Caine, 84, loses TWO STONE amid cancer fears as he credits wife Shakira for keeping him going. Your music is engraved inside us forever Mick Jagger leads celebrity tributes following Chuck Berry s death. Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn enjoy mother-daughter bonding as they head to baby shower as Kurt Russell mops the driveway. Amanda Seyfried steps out with husband Thomas Sadoski for the first time since nude photo leak. Familie tid Doting mamma Geri Horner vugger en måneds gammel sønn Montague i en søt Instagram snap med ektemann Christian og deres barn. The thought of losing Kim is emotionally scarring Kris Jenner ends interview in tears as she recalls the horror of Paris robbery. How does she do it Rebecca Judd prepares to dine on a MASSIVE steak during lavish ladies night out as she flaunts her slender figure in blue dress. Pia Mia sizzles in a silver bikini as she flaunts every inch of her svelte figure during sun-soaked Hawaiian holiday. I m more than just a pretty face Model Adriana Lima says she wants people to look at beyond her body after meeting with spiritual guru. Hollywood hunks Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds look handsome in matching dark suits for screening of Life at SXSW. An uphill battle Hollywood star Jude Law works up a sweat as he ventures out for a jog in north London. Hot mama Behati Prinsloo shows off her sexy post-baby body just five months after giving birth. Missing Joey Lauren Goodger passionately puckers up to a female pal in saucy snap as she reveals plans for jailbird beau to star alongside her in new reality series. Chic cast Mandy Moore is gorgeous in green as Chrissy Metz rocks floral number at This Is Us PaleyFest LA presentation. Olivia Culpo dazzles in ripped top and jeans as she picks up a pink juice after romantic vacation with hunky boyfriend Danny Amendola. Australian TV legend Bert Newton is extremely ill and rushed to hospital with pneumonia. Caring comedian Ben Stiller helped to raise over 1million for starving Somalis Ben Stiller s a big star with an even bigger heart. They ve been getting close Nicholas Hoult is dating Playboy pinup Bryana Holly who has been linked with Brody Jenner and Leonardo DiCaprio. Over-dressed for dinner Alec Baldwin, 58, poses with wife Hilaria, 33, in black tie by the stove in their kitchen. She s a sex kitten Skye Wheatley flaunts EXTREME cleavage in raunchy lingerie paired with a lace pussycat headpiece. Puppy love Animal lovers Kate Upton and Justin Verlander host a dog adoption event in Florida. REVEALED Mel Gibson has been quietly donating money to Holocaust survivors for the past decade as he tries to make amends for his infamous 2006 anti-Semetic rant. SPOILER ALERT As Lauren contemplates cheating on Steven Beale, questions are asked about just who her mystery admirer really is on EastEnders. Road trippin Kim Zolciak og datteren Brielle Snap opp en storm da de utholder lang bil og båttur til Venezia. Det vil bli en liten, privat sammenkomst George Michaels begravelse satt til sted i 30-seters kapell på Highgate Ceremony for å minimere risikoen for å bli mobbet av fans. Neighbours ikke mer klassisk australsk såpe kunne forsvinne fra våre skjermer etter 31 år som snakker over Britisk tv avtale stall. Jeg har samme frykt og trepidations som alle kvinner har Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry avslører bekymringer for å miste henne ser fremover på australske turen. I just wanted to stay hidden away forever Kym Marsh admits her children saved her after tragic death of son Archie and helped her prepare for stillbirth storyline on Corrie. A right Royal blunder Sarah Morgan, 16, FORGETS the lyrics to Lorde classic and is sent home during tense quarter final on The Voice UK. Talk of wedding bells has started Jeremy Kyle is planning to marry his children s former nanny Vicky Burton after four month romance. Don t dine out in anger Noel Gallagher enjoys a dinner date with wife Sara MacDonald in his native Manchester. Mom on the run Gwen Stefani cuts a chic figure in army green trousers as she picks up her boys from her parents house. Tickled pink Make-up free Scarlett Moffatt emerges from her London pad in eye-catching outerwear as she heads for next instalment of Saturday Night Takeaway. Part of the family Jennifer Lopez snaps photos with new boyfriend Alex Rodriguez sister Suzy. I hope I soaked up her bada ery Olivia Wilde looks bruised and beaten in Instagram snap as filming on A Vigilante wraps. Red hot Victoria s Secret model Devon Windsor parades her bikini bod in tiny two-piece as she celebrates anniversary with boyfriend in Miami. Practising with another Child s Pregnant Amy steps out in hair rollers as she flaunts her blossoming bump in clingy co-ord set while doting on baby cousin. Getting serious Nancy Kerrigan waltzes into DWTS practice with a foam roller for her stretches. You wouldn t belieb who we ran into Justin Bieber mobbed by a group of POLICE in Sydney. Oh baby Ryan Lochte takes a walk with pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid as she shows off her bump in fitness gear. Not much has changed Nostalgic Millie Mackintosh shares two sweet throwback snaps from her childhood. Jesus Christ, this is horrendous Twitter users SLAM Gogglebox s Dom and Steph and accuse them of being drunk as they perform on Let s Sing And Dance. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Liz Hurley s dream date Her 14-year-old son as strapping teenager accompanies her to movie premiere. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Katie has finally got Jordan off her chest but Pricey is still going strong. GIRL ABOUT TOWN The grim and dim reality of being a star is painted in their Instagram snaps. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Romeo Beckham s new job steps away from Burberry glamour as he washes up cups in a cafe for 2 73 an hour. Cream of the crop Newly-slim Katie McGlynn flaunts her toned abs and TINY waist in sequin cut-out maxi dress at The Christie Charity Ball. Soccer mom on duty Jennifer Garner dons skinny jeans to take Seraphina and Violet to sports match. I had opened a nasty can of worms Carrie Bickmore speaks out about parenting in the age of social media, as she reveals she was once called negligent by other mothers online. The Voice of doom Saturday night talent contest poached from the BBC for 300million has already lost HALF of its six million viewers. She might as well have put her hand in a blender Carrie Bickmore speaks out about Rachael Finch s parenting. MasterChef star Gregg Wallace reveals he was targeted by elderly couple who police are investigating for fraud after they spent 1million of investors money living at a plush London hotel. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. We can accomplish big goals Demi Lovato speaks to the U N with her Smurfs cartoon co-stars in attendance. Holy rollers Justin Bieber takes a bike tour around Auckland with the Hillsong pastor who baptised the pop star in a bathtub. He s expected to return imminently Danny Dyer heads back to Eastenders after a month off to discuss scripts as show writers work round the clock to amend his storyline. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. It s public, how mother would want it Todd Fisher unveils plans for spectacular memorial to Debbie Reynolds and sister Carrie. Exes On The Town Charlotte Dawson flaunts her busty cleavage in plunging figure-hugging number while birthday girl Jenny Thompson sizzles in lace-up LBD. EXCLUSIVE I am the only person in the world to have it Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves spills all on his pioneering butt lift after REVOKING his World Record Book application. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Mebourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. Big sister duties Rochelle Humes shares heart-melting photo of daughter Alaia and newborn baby Valentina. Nadia and Anthony OVER Married At First Sight couple split after race caller DUMPS brunette beauty out of the blue before reunion show. Vacation vibes Chrissy Teigen and John Legend pose for a family selfie with daughter Luna. Billie Faiers continues to flaunt her incredible post-baby body after welcoming newborn son with fiance Greg Shepherd just ONE WEEK ago. I m very happy he s really great Lisa Hogan, 46, reflects on her blossoming relationship with Jeremy Clarkson, 56, for the FIRST time. Now Jaime Pressly is targeted as burglar steals laptop and jewelry days after Kendall Jenner was robbed of 200,000. Proper grown ups Corrie star Lucy Fallon buys house with new beau just one year afer moving out of flat she shared with ex boyfriend. Age-defying Melanie Sykes, 46, showcases her incredible abs as she puts on busty display in sports bra selfie. All the fun of the fair Stacey Solomon and Imogen Thomas bring along their broods for day out at star-studded Chessington ride launch. No sign of an itch Model Jacqui Ritchie glows with happiness as she shares seven year anniversary snap with beardy husband Guy on sunset bathed rooftop. She looks like a 10 10 but she just farted Bikini-clad Louise Thompson is outed by boyfriend Ryan Libbey for PASSING WIND while posing for sexy holiday snap in Dubai. Weekend vibes Charlotte McKinney flashes her midriff as she gets a post-workout coffee with a friend. Reese Witherspoon wows in red for Disney Springs opening and gets surprise visit from Beauty And The Beast s Josh Gad. Put a ring on it Fans beg TOWIE hunk Mario Falcone to propose to girlfriend Becky as couple share romantic holiday snaps on the beach. Body is really getting there Vicky Pattison displays sensational frame in strappy black bikini as she lauds progress with slimmed-down figure. I m taking control Kaitlyn Bristowe, 31, freezes her eggs and The Bachelorette fiance Shawn Booth is fully behind her. Newly slimline Tina Malone continues image overhaul as she debuts edgier peroxide blonde pixie cut while leaving London hair salon. Now, where s that puddy tat Bella Hadid rocks a Tweety jacket as she dresses head to toe in 90s fashion She s a child of the 90s. Chic Cat Deeley shows off her enviably slender figure in flouncy white top and jeans as she steps out for lunch in LA with husband Patrick Kielty. If Salvador Dali can do a chocolate advert, it s fine Noel Fielding s pal reveals why comic decided to accept Bake Off presenter role. We re fighting for each other Blac Chyna reveals she still loves wonderful dad Rob Kardashian as she stops by his birthday party. Go hang yourself EOTB s Zahida Allen exposes vile racist troll branding her dirty p i with suicide slur after claims co-star Chanelle McCleary dubbed her a crusty naan bread. TOWIE s Dan Edgar s fraudulent investment company scammed customers out of 450k selling overpriced coloured diamonds. Touchdown Angelina Jolie and her six children arrive back in Los Angeles after their European humanitarian tour. Lottie Moss leaves little to the imagination as she flashes her endless legs from beneath barely-there mini with fur coat for night on the town. Tamara Ecclestone coordinates with birthday girl daughter Sophia in matching leather jackets during fun day out. Hair s to you Jessica Biel looks glamorous in bold make-up as she rolls back time with decades old curly style. Adele just rolled by in a black box Melbourne fans cheer a BOX being wheeled towards the stage after the superstar s secret concert entrance is exposed. I find funny in dark places I m A Celebrity s Nazeem Hussain dishes on the pressure of being a Muslim ambassador as his success soars. It was so hard, so draining and testing Rio Ferdinand admits he contemplated suicide in lowest ebb after telling his kids of wife Rebecca s death. George Michael s lover Fadi Fawaz faces legal action as tragic star s family desperately seek to turf him out of singer s 5million London home. Retail therapy Kendall Jenner shows off her toned tummy in crop top as she indulges in a shopping trip with BFF Hailey Baldwin days after shock 200k jewellery theft. Now that s multi-tasking Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis juggle the kids as they head out for a morning coffee. A royal embrace Chic Princess Charlene cuddles up to daughter Gabriella, 2, as the Monaco royal family enjoy a day at a charity rugby tournament. Her confidence is something else TOWIE star Gemma Collins wows fans as she flaunts slimmed-down physique in LBD while seductively dancing. EXCLUSIVE He s deeply in tune with God and religion, there were no sexual favours Roze Cook reveals what REALLY happened at Justin Bieber s Melbourne boat party. Dazzling Kate opts for THREE costume changes in a matter of hours in Paris as she and William begin their two-day Brexit charm offensive. You can t touch this Danielle Mason strips totally NAKED for sizzling selfie as she continues to recover from terrifying seizure. It s basically two hours of crying and songs about my ex-boyfriend Adele jokes with fans at Melbourne show before breaking into an impersonation of her friend Beyonc. I thought this is it Kim Kardashian reveals she believed Paris robbers were a drunk Kourtney before admitting she thought she was going to die during ordeal. Mariah Carey puts on a VERY busty display in plunging PVC dress as she celebrates St Patrick s Day with beau Bryan Tanaka and children Moroccan and Monroe. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Melbourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. They were NOT top of the list Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig chosen for GBBO after rejections from other A-List stars as its revealed bosses are worried about line-up. Nicki Minaj flaunts curvaceous figure in hot pink latex with futuristic shades as she joins Jason DeRulo in raunchy music video. It s traditional, and nobody speaks about it Tilda Swinton s ex-partner reveals he is the child of a loving incestuous relationship between his mother and grandfather. Rihanna rocks quirky sports-luxe ensemble for NYC night out as she prepares to star as ill-fated Marion Crane in Bates Motel. Justin Bieber has not spoken to police about headbutting case before departing the USA to embark on Purpose world tour. New babies Underwear-clad Sallie Axl shares shock snap with BLOOD-filled sacks attached to her bust as she parades results of boob job, rib removal and nose job. Glammed up Olivia Cox puts on a leggy display in spotty white dress and black jacket as she parties in London. Back to twerk Justin Bieber arrives in Auckland for New Zealand leg of his Purpose tour before enjoying a VERY intimate moment with back-up dancer. Kendall Jenner fires security guard after 200,000 worth of jewellery was stolen from her home as she recovers at exclusive Hollywood hotel. Not again Arnold Schwarzenegger is photographed riding a bicycle without a helmet in Melbourne after he was stopped by police for the SAME reason during his last visit in 2015. I said it s the worst idea you ve ever had Emma Freud reveals she first thought Richard Curtis s Comic Relief Love Actually special would be tacky and horrible. Eternally youthful Jane Fonda, 79, resembles a woman half her age as she shows off flawless skin and slim figure while filming scenes for TV show Grace and Frankie. Trying to be happy for a change Bikini-clad Courtney Stodden, 22, plasters on a smile as she shakes off pain from Doug Hutchison, 55, split. Charlotte Crosby is almost unrecognisable with plump pout and blue contacts in holiday selfie after sparking concern with VERY full lips in Snapchat video. Katie Price shows off her midriff as she cheers in delight as her horse comes in first place at the Gold Cup at Cheltenham races alongside husband. Ex On The Beach s Jess Impiazzi teases at her eye-popping assets with saucily unbuttoned shirt and ripped jeans for night out in Manchester. Blac Chyna showcases her derriere in skintight leggings as she celebrates Rob Kardashian s 30th birthday amid custody feud. He CAN feel her face The Weeknd puts on a tender display with girlfriend Selena Gomez as he gives her a kiss on the cheek while out in Toronto. As the campaign against Bex turned violent, there was so much bullying in Walford even Shirley Carter was being pushed around in EastEnders, by Jim Shel ley. And the National Television Award for worst CGI ever goes to Fans savage unrealistic looking train during Mick Carter s crying scene in EastEnders. Whatever floats her boat Myleene Klass exhibits her ample cleavage and toned abs in TINY bikini as she enjoys paddle-boarding in Sri Lanka. Sam Faiers is desperate to shed her Essex image as she hopes to relocate to Hertfordshire to start fresh and reposition her brand. Booting up Kate Beckinsale shows off her slender figure in black leggings and biker-style leather footwear. Kendall Jenner is seen for the first time since 200,000 of jewelry was stolen from her home keeping a low profile at famed celebrity hideout. Sexy in suede Cara Santana flashes a hint of cleavage in plunging green mini dress at St Patrick s Day SXSW event. The trenches in COLOUR Stunning colourised images reveal the grim lives of French soldiers during WWI. E-Day is March 29 May will trigger Article 50 next Wednesday to begin the historic divorce process from the. No-one else will want to leave the EU after they see how badly Britain is punished, boasts Jean-Claude. The ten subtle ways you re adding 20 years to your face including the pillow you sleep on, having long hair. Yes, I fell off but yes, I m fine Life goes on Richard Hammond assures fans he s not hurt after falling. I only went in for an Aero Shoppers are fined 60 for popping to a Tesco Express as drivers must cross a. Cambridge-educated law lecturer, 29, leaves Tesco security guard brother homeless after winning a court. Ghosts find me The spooky revelations of graveyard and mortuary workers and some of their tales will. He walked out two days before the wedding Women reveal the SHOCKING outcomes of forcing their partners to. Mother-of-three, 37, dies after being pinned against coffee shop wall when drink driver hit her and her. Toddler flies FACE FIRST into the top deck window of a bus when the driver slams on her brakes to avoid a. EXCLUSIVE British backpacker murdered in Goa was GANG RAPED before being strangled and slashed with a. How healthy are YOU Experts share the ultimate clean eating grocery list - so how many have you got in your. Eat like you love yourself In the final part of our exclusive series celebrity nutritionist AMELIA FREER. The ultimate sign you and your partner are meant to be and if you share this one thing you re in it for thee up for air Walking times and number of steps between London s Tube stations now revealed as far as. The hilarious blunders that prove grandparents and technology DON T mix - from using an iPad as a chopping. How pandering PC Labour councillors helped create the UK s jihadi breeding ground One in ten convicted. Lesbian, 22, who was accused of a NAKED attack on her lover over her injured kitten is cleared of assault. Coronation Street could face Ofcom investigation after flood of complaints from viewers about disturbing. X-rated photos of Holly Willoughby stolen and threatened for use online as she joins Millie Mackintosh on. Around the world on the taxpayer Father of five who pocketed 15,000 in benefits because he was too. No 10 rules out a snap election amid claims Theresa May should go the country for her own Brexit majority as. It s like watching a Remain campaign broadcast Countryfile viewers rage at the BBC s anti-Brexit tone. Indonesia s masked Sharia law enforcers administer agonising lashings to locals who dared spend time with. Now BA has cut fresh flowers and snacks for first class customers Services are compared to Ryanair after. Five-year-old girl has missed SIX MONTHS of school because she was suspended after just two weeks by. Nurse who put lives at risk by faking 3,300 in Botox prescriptions for her private beauty business is. How to tell if an egg is rotten in SECONDS Clever hack helps you determine if it has gone off without. PIERS MORGAN Welcome to the editors club, George Here s how to survive and thrive in the one profession. Going somewhere Patrick Ex-Manchester City and Arsenal star Vieira puts his luxury seven-bed Cheshire home. Vets warn of a new outbreak of terrifying flesh-eating bug Alabama rot that has killed dozens of dogs and. Look at yourself, you drunken state Bride-to-be slams hen party reveller who became rowdy after drinking. Why turning Easter into Christmas is crackers It s a dismal sight Shops flogging Xmas-style novelties for. Terrifying insect-sized robots could render humanity EXTINCT by the end of this century , expert warns. Woman whose late husband was diagnosed with cancer TWO WEEKS after their wedding rebuilt her life by setting. Get the Gwyneth life Miss Paltrow launches a range of 72 vitamins to help busy women just like her have it. Distraught mother ran into the street screaming my kids my kids after finding her one year old son beaten. FBI Director James Comey will rubbish Trump s wiretapping claims when he testifies in Congress TODAY about. White House is peddling falsehoods over British spies helping Obama spy on Trump, says former UK. EXCLUSIVE I donated my husband s face for transplant when I was eight months pregnant Heartbroken widow. The VERY clever ways you can use cotton buds - including to make your eyelashes longer, clean your toilet. Child genius dubbed the human calculator becomes a university s youngest employee teaching adults maths at. Kim Jong-Un threatens to reduce the US to ashes with nuclear weapons if America fires even a single. Now even Corbyn s closest ally admits it could take YEARS to rebuild Labour s credibility as leader is. Estate agent becomes an overnight hero after winning the hearts of two infatuated young girls while. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Ramsay pays 4m for stopgap holiday home Chef buys another retreat in Cornwall while. Even Inspector Clouseau could solve this one French police nab thief after he got stuck in a shop window. Was killer trying to cover their tracks New evidence suggests postcard sent by a young woman who. Do YOU need a grown up gap year Hair salon manager, 28, who quit to spend her life savings travelling the. MORE HEADLINES. University dropout becomes a stockbroker after using his student loan to start trading and now claims he earns 30,000 on a BAD month - by working just ONE HOUR a day. Elijah Oyefeso, 21, used his student loan to become a stockbroker. He only works for an hour a day and earns tens of thousands each month. He spends thousands on watches and has a fleet of sports cars. Published 08 38 GMT, 5 January 2016 Updated 12 33 GMT, 5 January 2016.A university drop-out who taught himself to become a stockbroker claims he earns between 20,000 and 30,000 on a bad month. Elijah Oyefeso, 21, started by using his student loan and now trades on the stock market for just one hour a day to earn his income. Elijah, from Camberwell, London, now lives in a 5,000-a-month flat and his weakness is super cars, with his most recent purchase a 125,000 Mercedes GTS. Scroll down for video. Elijah Oyefeso dropped out of university after using his student loan to make money on the stock market In 2014, he bought a 150,000 Lamborghini and had it painted gold, pictured. Camberwell-born Elijah, lives in a 5,000 a month flat in Kensington a nd only trades for an hour a day to earn his income, he claims. He told FEMAIL On a good month, I earn between 70,000 and 80,000.Elijah said If you work hard you don t need to look at the price tag, you just get it. Elijah claims he bought his first Mercedes aged 18 but soon faced jealousy from his peers in the south London neighbourhood after his success and now has no friends from the area where he grew up. He said They ve come from the same area and they re still in the same area and went to school in the same area. RELATED ARTICLES. Could YOU give up meat for a week A family of five swaps The woman who blew 10,000 on New Year s Eve Liverpool. Share this article. My mum came from west Africa and came with probably 100 in her pocket. Elijah went to the University of Buckingham to study business management but put his student loan to good use. He said I used my student loan during university and I thought I could actually do this. Elijah dropped out of university and started investing in the stock market with the cash sum Within nine months, he claimed he was making tens of thousands of pounds. Elijah also posts pictures of his wealth on Instagram and likes to spend on watches as well as super cars. Elijah claimed his income on a bad month will be between 20,000 and 30,000 He also claimed he earned 70 to 80,000 a month. He claims his income on a bad month will be between 20,000 and 30,000, while it can be over 40,000 more on a good month. Elijah, who featured in Channel 4 s Rich Kids Go Shopping on Channel 4, was filmed as he traded online, making 1,000 in just 15 minutes. I ve been trading for three years, I know when to stop, he said. The most he s lost in one go is nearly 10,000 When you lose it, you get back up If you lose 12 times, you get back up 12 times. You want to leave a name when you re gone Think about JP Morgan, the assets are worth 2 6 trillion So that s a lot. Elijah, who listens to classical music while trading, said There s a saying, you are who you chill with I chill with people who have half a million in the bank. Earning 20 to 30,000 a month, in my world that s not good It motivates you to do more. Elijah made headlines in July this year when he crashed his car, pictured, which cost 55,000 to repair and was crashed into another of his cars, a 60,000 Bentley. Elijah always dreamed of having flash cars, left, and invests in them as well as watches, like this 21,000 Cartier watch he s worn twice. He set up DCT Training Group to help others to get into trading, but after a free trial of five days he charges 107 a month for his expertise. He said It s to help people learn the basics I tell them to go to this website or read this book. Elijah pays 5,000 a month on his flat in Kensington, a stone s throw from department store Harrods. His main expense is cars and when he was aged 20, he made sure he, literally, had one of London s flashiest cars by paying 150,000 on a Lambourghini and painting it gold. He said When you re little you ve got your ideal car, you ve got your dream car Some kids are like I want t o get a Bugatti, I want to get a Ferrari. He set up DCT Training Group to help others to get into trading, but after a free trial of five days charges 107 a month for his expertise. Elijah advises them on which books to read and websites to visit for the monthly fee to be part of the trading team he set up. Some people are like yeah yeah But I got it That was my dream, I worked for it, I got it. But Elijah made headlines in July when his Lamborghini crashed into his own 60,000 Bentley, with the repair work costing 55,000 on the Lamborghini. He was left unfazed by it But that s life, money comes and goes regardless. Elijah also has a collection of expensive watches, ranging from a Rolex to a Cartier watch costing 21,000 which he has only worn a couple of times. But he loves his watch collection, he said You ve got to treat them like princesses. He s even given them names, calling one watch Michelle and another Aaliyah after the singer. Now that he is comfortably wealthy, Elijah has decided to do something for someone else - he s building a house in Africa for his mother. He said It s a surprise I haven t told her yet. It s going to be five bedroom, he said, and estimates so far it will cost 76,000.Wine not carry on the party Judy Finnigan and Richard Madeley leave pub lunch date with a bottle of booze wrapped in a newspaper. Pregnant Binky Felstead claims things are better than ever with JP as unconvinced Holly Willoughby questions whether her beau can handle it. Baywatch star Samantha Hoopes shows off her sensational physique in bikini and HEELS to play ball game on-set with Dwayne Johnson. As if she shhhhh d her Fellow reality stars Ferne McCann and Kady McDermott rally around Chloe Meadows after her blazing row with Amber Turner on TOWIE. Jorgie Porter flaunts her sensational physique in barely-there white bikini as she larks around during sun-drenched Dubai break. They re going to rape me Kim Kardashian was held down in bed by armed robber as she mentally prepped for the worst during Paris robbery. Nicole Kidman has intense sex scene with shirtless Alexander Skarsgard on kitchen counter top on Big Little Lies Fifth episode. You in that bikini makes your husband happy Piers Morgan compliments Lorraine Kelly, 57, on her fab figure as she discusses anniversary trip. The Replacement s Vicky McClure cuts a glamorous figure in a chic cream trouser suit at the Empire Awards Has won rave reviews for her latest role. X-rated photos of Holly Willoughby stolen and threatened for use online as she joins Millie Mackintosh on new list of stars targeted by hackers. PICTURE EXCLUSIVE Busty Nicki Minaj is the centre of attention as she wears bejewelled headpiece and barely-there gown for video shoot. Sam Faiers looks effortlessly chic in plunging pink top and skintight jeans as she enjoys shopping spree with baby Paul and mother-in-law Gaynor. MIC s Louise Thompson displays sensational figure in plunging swimsuit as shirtless Ryan Libbey shows off his muscular physique in Dubai. Pamela Anderson, 49, teases her famous assets as she borrows from the Fifties in plunging pin-up girl gown for Paris night out. Watch out Gigi Lisa Rinn a s model daughter Delilah flaunts her flat stomach as she turns sidewalk into her catwalk in sexy laced-up crop top. Gavin Rossdale says he doesn t want his children to follow him into the music industry and reveals ex-wife Gwen Stefani still inspires his work. Coronation Street could face Ofcom investigation after flood of complaints from viewers about disturbing Bethany Platt sex ring storyline. SPOILER ALERT Corrie s escaped killer Rob meets Amy in the rain following Tracy s arrest as Marc Baylis tries to keep a low profile while he films. Who said romance was dead Little Mix star Jesy Nelson enjoys a feast of fast food with new TOWIE star boyfriend Chris Clark after cute PDA. I m just giving this a Little Mix TOWIE cast poke fun at Chris Clark as they tease at his new romance with pop star Jesy Nelson on the show. Blooming beautiful Pregnant Rosie Huntington-Whiteley smoulders in a bikini and comfy Ugg boots after announcing she s expecting her first child. Malin Akerman and hunky beau Jack Donnelly take their romance to the next level as they enjoy cinema trip with her son Sebastian. Peta Murgatroyd shows off her svelte figure as she enjoys date with fianc Maksim before taking two-month-old son Shai to DWTS sudio. Ibiza Weekender star Hayley Fanshaw is seen baring her breasts and bottom in newly resurfaced racy images from her days as a nude life model. Just call me LeBond Matt LeBond Top Gear host Matt LeBlanc sends viewers into a frenzy after putting on tuxedo for 007-inspired sketch. Chloe Khan struggles to contain her whopping 32HH cleavage in TINY white bikini paired with dazzling body chain during saucy beach frolic in Dubai. Anne Hathaway oozes spring chic in a low-cut striped tee and stylish fedora as she enjoys a solo shopping trip Oscar-winning actress took a break. Cheeky Emily Ratajkowski goes fully nude for daytime skinny dipping as she enjoys a bikini break in Mexico Stripping down before stripping off. Get the Gwyneth life Miss Paltrow launches a range of 72 vitamins to help busy women just like her have it all and deal with the menopause. Kourtney Kardashian flashes the flesh in lace-up trousers as Kim reveals she feared older sister would find her dead body after Paris robbery. That s what friends are for Kendall Jenner steps out with Frank Ocean and Hailey Baldwin after burglary Robbed of 200,000-worth of jewelry. Broadchur ch s Charlie Higson SWEARS on TV leaving Susanna Reid flustered as he s forced to apologise He s been sworn to secrecy. Braless Olivia Buckland flashes her entire bust in EXTREMELY racy sheer top as she bizarrely likens herself to Beauty And The Beast heroine. I m more desperate in everything I do Ryan Reynolds admits fatherhood has made him anxious as he struggles to spend time with his two daughters. TOWIE s Mario Falcone stays close to gorgeous girlfriend Becky Meisner as they jet home after romantic Barbados break. Zayn Malik admits love has hurt him as he alludes to failed Perrie Edwards engagement before praising girlfriend Gigi Hadid. I miss him too much Perrie Edwards locks lips with boyfriend Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in cheese on toast post as she continues US Little Mix tour. Strutting up a Storm Tallia flaunts her killer abs in tiny lace bralet and sporty co-ords as she enjoys girls night out with Love Island s Tina Stinnes. A Del Rey of sunshine Singer Lana covers up in a grey dress and wide-brimmed hat as she enjoys a relaxing day at the beach in Malibu. Debbie McGee, 58, dazzles in a golden gown after saying she won t feel guilty about having a giggle a year on from husband Paul Daniels death. Supergirl co-stars Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood fuel dating rumours as they jet into LAX together after she was spotted walking his dog. It s heartbreaking Legendary actress Julie Andrews, 81, hits out at US President Donald Trump s proposal to slash funding for the arts. It s supposed to be filmed this year Jeremy Swift reveals the Downton Abbey movie scripts have been sent to the cast. Real Housewives of Chav-shire Ampika Pickston goes braless in VERY skimpy top as she joins busty pal Tanya Bardsley at lout-themed party. Brave Shannen Doherty looks relaxed as she heads out for a romantic dinner with husband after completing chemotherapy. SPOILER ALERT For the first time I feel like I belong The Walking Dead s Paul Jesus Rovia reveals he s gay during heart-to-heart with Maggie Rhee. Steph Davis shares adorable video with newborn son Caben Albi asleep in her arms as she attempts to move on from ex Jeremy McConnell drama. Natural beauty Rachel Bilson goes make-up free for family day at farmers market with daughter Briar Rose as she prepares to join Nashville cast. Wet and wild Pia Mia shows off her stunning beach body in skimpy swimsuit as she vacations in Hawaii The one-piece showcased her cleavage. Busty Rhian Sugden almost spills out of her sheer LBD as she shows off her long legs at the Chase charity gala in London. Kate Hudson shows off her bikini-ready body in crop top and side-split pants for lunch date with mystery man Definitely ready for summer. Babewatch Brit model Louisa Warwick flaunts her fabulous figure in a plunging white swimsuit as she frolics on the sun-kissed shores of Malibu. Stop telling people to sit down Adele STOPS concert mid-show to crack it at security guard during final concert in Melbourne. Bikini babe Ewan McGregor s model daughter Clara dazzles in figure-flaunting psychedelic two-piece in sizzling selfie. Adam Rickitt revives his soap acting career as he is cast in Hollyoaks as Nancy s ex-boyfriend throwing a spanner in the works for her and Darren. Hello gorgeous Eva Mendes shows off killer curves as models latest line of clothing collection Stepped into the spotlight. Who knew she was a Neighbours fan Singer Adele makes a stop at Ramsay Street after EPIC final show in Melbourne. Fun in the sun Kaia Gerber rocks beachy jean shorts and sweatshirt for casual outing in Malibu The 15-year-old was spotted out and about. Singaphwoar Pixie Lott flaunts her enviably toned abs and peachy posterior in a sexy orange bikini as she holidays in Asia. Feeling your age Jeremy Paxman, 66, uses walking stick during stroll with new lover 30 years his junior Split from hi s wife last year. The Beast is hot Emma Watson jokes she found co-star Dan Stevens more attractive in his costume Sense of humor. Like mother like daughter Behati Prinsloo and her girl Dusty wear matching anklets in adorable snap Super sweet Instagram snap. Someone s tired Justin Bieber fails to crack a smile on thrilling jet boat ride after wrapping up the Australian leg of his Purpose World Tour. The shoot was more difficult to agree on than most international cover stars in this magazine s history ELLE reveals Pia Miller s zealous level of control. She s got a lot of front Courtney Stodden bares cleavage in plunging nude dress at gala benefit for animals She is an avid supporter of humans best friends. Giving spirit Demi Lovato marks five years of sober living by personally delivering monetary donations to charity Huge milestone. Taking his eye off the ball Busty Khloe Kardashian cheers her beau Tristan Thompson at basketball game as she brings Kourtney and her bored mom Kris. Did Ed Sheeran steal an Australian comedy group s joke Singer emulates The Axis of Awesome s viral 4 Chords joke during appearance on Dutch TV. Think you re above the law, Arnie Arnold Schwarzenegger busted cycling around without a helmet on for a THIRD time and son Patrick isn t wearing one either. He s having a ball Justin Bieber surprises a fan by shopping at his store and then inviting him to play basketba ll Recognisable faces. The family business Presley Gerber wears shirt emblazoned with his mum s name Cindy Crawford during photoshoot for his dad s tequila brand. Everything s going swimmingly Amy Schumer shares sweet and hilarious photo from the pool with her beau Ben Hanisch No shortage of laughs. She lives in constant fear Rita Ora installs 20,000 panic room into her London home after terrifying burglary left her mentally scarred. Joan Crawford fondly recalls her affair with her STEPFATHER and tells how she lost her virginity to him at the age of ELEVEN in the latest episode of Feud. Daddy s girl Miley Cyrus gets a tattoo in honor of her famous father Billy Ray Cyrus who proudly shares photo of daughter s new ink. No apologies Lily Collins celebrates her 28th birthday by sharing selfie in ironic Sorry For Partying tee shirt Celebrated her 28th birthday on Saturday. There s no love lost at all Reese Witherspoon furious with co-star Nicole Kidman after fallout over their new TV show Big Little Lies. Sofia Richie flashes midriff in edgy denim overalls for a relaxed day of shopping with pals in Beverly Hills Looked casual but cool in her ensemble. Nicki Minaj strikes racy poses in bondage-style leather bra and sheer bodysuit in Instagram pics Racy shoot. Feeling blue Slender Laura Dern stuns in dark toned dress at the New York premiere of her movie Wilson Leading lady chic. Mummy s little helper Megan Fox runs errands in leggings and slides accompanied by eldest son Noah, four Impeccably stylish. Liam Gallagher takes aim at fake brother Noel AGAIN as he uses epic Twitter attack to announce name of aptly-named new single Not For Sale. Make-up free Jordana Brewster carries son Rowan during grocery shopping trip with her family They welcomed son Rowan last June. He should list the White House on Airbnb Chelsea Handler slams President Donald Trump and offers him a good budget saving tip. Paris Hilton only has eyes for new model love Chris Zylka as they party weekend away Dating a professional clotheshorse. Portia De Rossi reveals her slender figure as she leaves West Hollywood restaurant Craig s with wife Ellen DeGeneres Longtime couple. Relaaaxxin Bella Hadid is nearly naked in a barely-there bikini during impromptu Jamaican vacation This is the life. Miley Cyrus flashes her tummy in cropped tee and ripped jeans as she grabs Sunday brunch with mom Tish and sister Brandi in Malibu. Is Bella Heathcote ENGAGED Fifty Shades actress, 29, dons huge sparkler fuelling rumours she s heading down the aisle with partner Andrew, 50. I fall into his eyes and forget my dialogue Jane Fonda says she still swooned over Robert Redford while working on their fourth film together. Robert Blake, 83, and his bride-to-be enjoy stroll in Beverly Hills as Baretta star acquitted of murdering his third wife plans to wed again. It s just tacky RHOA s Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks battle over divorce party during their Maui vacation Found out the hard way. Heroine s best friend Supergirl star Melissa Benoist walks her co-star Chris Wood s dog It seems the co-stars are super close. I ll love you forever Modern Family actor Rico Rodriguez s father Roy passes away and star pays tribute in heartrending Instagram post. Did Billie Faiers stepdad just reveal her newborn s name New dad Greg Shepherd joins his father-in-law to wet ARTHUR s head 12 days after the birth. EastEnders Steve McFadden beams from ear-to-ear as he s lauded by female admirers while attending nightclub appearance. Chuck Berry s first studio album in 40 years will be released after his death Rock n Roll pioneer was working on music dedicated to his wife when he passed. SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Ramsay pays 4m for stopgap holiday home Chef buys another retreat in Cornwall while waiting for mansion to be rebuilt. The past five years have been the best Hilary Duff raves about son Luca as he celebrates birthday with Ghostbusters themed bash. Yazmin Oukhellou shocks TOWIE cast by revealing her plans to settle down with James Lockie Lock before they had even made their romance official. His motivation Ben Affleck smiles as he spends time with his three kids after alcohol rehab revelation. I m a lucky man Ronnie Wood, 69, gushes that his wife Sally, 39, and their ten-month-old twin girls are his idea of heaven in sweet magazine shoot. Flawless Jessica Chastain shows off her porcelain skin in crushed velvet dress at NYC movie screening Her frock featured a v-neckline. I was worrying I was damaging him in some way Pia Miller speaks about becoming a teen mum after giving birth to her first son at 19. Sophie was definitely in the Harry camp Friends of the Aussie model pictured with William on his ski break claim she actually fancied his brother. Real Housewives of New Jersey star Kim D sends condolences to families of the two men whose bodies were found in her son s burned out Audi. I act like a lion, but I m a fool for love Nicole Scherzinger talks about being a pussycat in relationships as she reveals she s debating X Factor return. Has Cody Simpson had a nose job Pictures of the singer, 20, suggest he may have gone under the knife since arriving on the music scene as a teen. I feel so much happier Casey Donovan ready to get her career back on track after dropping a whopping 17kg on I m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. The Halcyon s Hermione Corfield shows off her lithe figure in a sheer dress as she hits the Empire awards red carpet one week after TV show was axed following just one season. Bondi babe Karlie Kloss brings runway glamour to iconic Sydney beach in stunning shoot for Vogue Australia. You stuck up b Amber Turner slams Chloe Meadows for gossiping about her tryst with Dan Edgar as they accuse each other of ruining their friendship in fierce row. It takes two Nicky Hilton and husband James Rothschild hold hands while bundled up for morning stroll. She s a fan Jenna Dewan Tatum s daughter Everly gets temporary Disney tattoo while at farmers market with famous mother. SPOILER ALERT Mick s family gather for his mum Sylvie s funeral WITHOUT EastEnders star Danny Dyer as it s claimed actor s return is imminent. Downtown with Upton Stylish Cate Blanchett cosies up as she enjoys romantic arm-in-arm stroll with husband Andrew in snowy New York. Death wish Sasha and Rosita join forces as they attempt to storm Negan s stronghold on Walking Dead Llaunched a suicide mission. Alex Jones gives fans the first glimpse of baby Teddy in sweet family Instagram snap as she celebrates turning the milestone age of 40. I m not going to hold back Kim Kardashian plugs tell-all episode of KUWTK as sh e prepares to reveal all about THAT night in Paris. Makes me smile Stephanie Davis shares rare snap of adorable son Caben Albi in wake of ex Jeremy McConnell s arrest for alleged assault. Jennifer Lopez and new beau Alex Rodriguez share a golf cart as she joins him at New York Yankees game. Former Vogue editor Kirstie Clements reveals what REALLY happens at fashion shows and how the scene has drastically changed. Next Jenner-ation Model beauty Kendall sets pulses racing as she poses in an array of saucy lingerie for new LaPerla campaign. Hunting a killer in your nightie, Vera It s not a classy look, pet CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last weekend s TV. Catching up Vampire Diaries star Paul Wesley and ex-girlfriend Phoebe Tonkin reunite at farmers market. Fashion or faux pas A tired and dishevelled looking Richard Wilkins dons mismatched outfit to pick up pal Karl Stefanovic at the airport. Worse-for-wear Katie Price risks baring her entire derriere as she clambers into taxi after gifting doting husband Kieran Hayler with a CAR for his 30th birthd ay. Burning Bridges Michelle and The Commando left The Biggest Loser after an ongoing feud with cast and crew members. Rock jam Dwayne Johnson stops traffic by playing with enormous ball during beachside film shoot. Drop it like a squat Big Brother s Lateysha Grace works up a sweat in cleavage flaunting pink sports bra as she exercises in the park. Cheryl Hines and Robert F Kennedy Jr are all smiles at movie premiere after recent speculation their three-year marriage is shaky. Two women are arrested after X Factor star Lucy Spraggan is beaten, BITTEN and has her hair pulled out in attack after leaving a concert. Joanne Froggatt sizzles in super-plunging gown as she enjoys a mini Downton reunion with Laura Carmichael at star-studded Empire Awards. Passing down her style jeans Kourtney Kardashian rocks slashed denim as she heads to the movies with fashionable daughter Penelope. Duchess sister is seen jogging in London as it s revealed Spencer Matthews won t be allowed a plus-one at her wedding. E llen Pompeo and Grey s Anatomy co-stars rock shades of blue at Paleyfest and talk about THAT shocking episode. The bird was on her head Kim Zolciak and daughters Ariana and Brielle take a gondola ride around the canals of Venice. Bride and Prejudice s Chris reveals he is STILL not on speaking terms with his parents after they refused to attend his TV wedding to partner Grant. Getting Arnold Schwarzenegger back at 70 is a tough ask Terminator film is pulled from production after bosses fell out of love with the idea of a sequel. Moving on at full speed Vanderpump Rules star Scheana Marie cavorts with new man Robert Valleta on bikini break She split from her husband in November. Bianca Gascoigne displays her sensational physique as she boosts her assets in sizzling snakeskin bikini during Cyprus break. When mum goes to Starbucks Romeo Beckham shares snap of his mum Victoria s VERY Posh coffee as she returns to Spice Girls nickname. I m learning how to be alone The hottest leading lady of all time Scarlett Johansson on marriage, men and declaring war on Donald Trump. He seems to be doing good Scott Disick says Rob Kardashian is coping well with Blac Chyna break-up. Hayley Atwell is the picture of sophistication in bardot lace gown as she makes show-stopping arrival at the 2017 Empire Awards. I don t want to play someone who s racially abused Thandie Newton claims there is slim pickings for people of colour on UK television due to rise of period dramas. Toast to the good life Winemakers Sting and Trudie Styler check out the competition as they put in guest appearance at Dusseldorf trade fair. A roaring hit Beauty And The Beast smashes U S weekend box office records with staggering 170m debut. Georgia Love seen leaving Beauty And The Beast premiere with Bachelorette runner up Cameron Cranley after attending premiere WITHOUT boyfriend. Former MIC star Nicola Hughes flashes her pins in quirky fringed skirt as she joins a casually chic Tiffany Watson at Smurfs premiere. What sleepless nights New mother Beatrice Borromeo looks impossibly fresh-faced as she joins Monaco s royals at the Rose Ball less than THREE WEEKS after giving birth. The love of my life Behati Prinsloo wishes Adam Levine happy birthday and shares photo of him in a sheep hat. Taking the plunge Today host Karl Stefanovic looks unimpressed after he gets dunked into water tank to raise money for a children s hospital. It ll be a great opportunity Hollyoaks Duncan James admits Blue bandmate Lee Ryan s EastEnders role will be good discipline for the party boy. Little Miss Sofia Lionel Richie s girl turns over an elegant new leaf as she ditches the street style for night out. On top of the world Suri Cruise rides on a pal s shoulders in photo posted by mom Katie Holmes. I just want to hang out with Toadie and Harold Brendan Fevola says he s pumped to score a cameo role on Neighbours and star alongside radio co-host Fifi Box. The newlyweds Amanda Seyfried and husband Thomas Sadoski seen for the first time since they secretly eloped. Stephanie Pratt shows off her sensational figure in chic cornflower blue gown as she dresses new pet pooch Max as a SMURF for premiere. Monaco s Charlotte Casiraghi and her sister-in-law Beatrice wow in gothic glamour at the annual Rose Ball but where were Charlene and Albert. I did more than kiss a girl Katy Perry reveals breakout hit was inspired by her own experiences I Kissed A Girl was a sensation when it was first released in 2008. I ll always love you Jerseylicious star Mike Aktari dead at age 28 as devastated ex-girlfriend Olivia Blois pays tribute. Must have Bean a costly divorce Rowan Atkinson dusts off his iconic wacky character for new film in China two years after splitting from wife of 24 years. Danniella Westbrook dons a sheer bodysuit and hotpants as she shows off her pole dancing skills in Marbella. We tried to convince him to stay Take That stars reveal the REAL reason Jason Orange left the band and keep trying to entice him back. How Instagram beauty Sjana Earp turned her 1 2 million followers into a successful business where she receives up to 15,000 per POST. McFly s Harry Judd and wife Izzy share cute clip of their baby daughter Lola uttering her first word. Love Island s Kady McDermott shows off incredibly toned derriere AGAIN after revealing her cheeky side in racy shots on romantic break. Nikki Grahame leaves NOTHING to the imagination as she bares her lingerie from beneath gothic lace gown at Kieran Hayler s 30th birthday. That s pants Charlotte McKinney flashes her underwear in a tiny scarlet dress after wild night out. She pulls no punches Sweden s Princess Sofia tries her hand at BOXING at the opening of a youth centre in Stockholm. Every area of my life was so regimented Zayn Malik reveals his eating disorder was the only way he could exert control during his One Direction days. Pictured Tiny 30-seat chapel where George Michael s funeral will take place next week The pop superstar is expected to be laid to rest alongside his mother. Mini dress for a big day Shanina Shaik flaunts pert posterior in a TINY sequin slit dress as she celebrates a friend s birthday in Las Vegas. Has everyone seen Boomer Michael Phelps shows Larry King photos as new dad leaves baby at home for a date night with wife Nicole. Tina Malone turns heads with her new pixie cut and scarlet mini dress as she enjoys date night with husband Paul. They ain t stolen Lauren Goodger lashes out at critics as jailbird beau Joey Morrison launches luxury watch business from PRISON before he poses in cell block designer T-shirt. James Blunt reveals Ed Sheeran made him feel uncomfortable during songwriting sessions for his new album. TOWIE comeback king Mario Falcone s girlfriend Becky Miesner shows off her incredible beach body in scanty bikini during Barbados break after he brands her The One. Zoe Ball is spotted without her wedding ring while shopping in London as she moves on with new boyfriend Billy Yates following split from husband Fatboy Slim. Counting down the days Millie Mackintosh shares cute flashback holiday snap on Instagram as she gushes over boyfriend Hugo Taylor while he s away in Abu Dhabi. Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright look closer than ever as they brush rift rumours aside in loved-up selfie from a friend s wedding. Khloe Kardashian shuns low-key courtside style in favour of 10,500 ensemble complete with hoodie and thigh-highs. In a league of their own Doting dad James Corden enjoys a game of football with son Max, 5, as wife Julia and daughter Carey, 2, cheer on. Back from the jungle Lisa Curry looks radiant as she returns to Australia with her family after I m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Stephanie Davis returns to social media with sweet snap of son Caben s bedroom after ex Jeremy McConnell s arrest for alleged assault. PICTURE EXCLUSIVE Danielle Amstrong shows off rippling abs in barely-there bikini as she packs on PDA with beau Daniel Spiller in Dubai. It all depends on getting the right person David Tennant says he would back a female Doctor Who as Tilda Swinton is among those tipped to enter the Tardis. PICTURED Kat Graham collapses with food poisoning after claims she consumed a cannabis brownie. MORE DON T MISS. Imogen Thomas opts for total elegance in flowing midi skirt with cropped jumper as she brings daughter Ariana to star-studded Smurfs premiere. Abbey Clancy fought a lot of rage over diva BNTM contestants amid claims aspiring models were rude, ignorant and struggled to SMILE. Susan Sarandon, 70, cuts a stylish figure in a quirky Simpsons bomber jacket as she enjoys an ice hockey game with son Miles, 24.Katy Perry shows off her svelte figure in chic black and white gown with ruffled neckline at the Human Rights Campaign Gala in LA. Pregnant Cally Jane Beech shows off her growing bump in elegant white dress as she is supported at baby shower by pal Vicky Pattison. She s a knockout Sharon Stone, 59, puts on a busty display in a plun ging black dress as she leads the glamour at Muhammad Ali Celebrity Fight Night. Vanessa Redgrave, 80, and actor husband Franco Nero, 75, stun the crowd with romantic routine on Italy s Strictly Come Dancing. Blushing beauty Beyonce looks amazing as she displays her baby bump in a fitted dress and pink jacket. Drake admits he sends drunk texts to Jennifer Lopez on new album but their collaboration does not make the cut and Kanye won t be happy either. Apocalypto star Rudy Youngblood arrested for being drunk and disorderly after being abusive to other poker players at casino. Pretty in pink Gigi Hadid keeps it casual cool in salmon sweatsuit as she leaves NYC apartment. What a load of rubbish Danny Dyer s wife lashes out at claims her husband reeked of booze during an explosive fight in Selfridges. Pool party Kylie and Kendall Jenner soak up the sun poolside with pal Hailey Baldwin Kendall and Kylie Jenner teamed up with their good friend Hailey Baldwin. Blue wo Man Group Nina Dobrev and a group of her bikini babe gal pals cover their faces with body paint. Suki Waterhouse sparkles in plunging sequinned tank top as she promotes pop-up shop with gal pal Poppy Jamie. Girls weekend Bella Hadid whisks her pals to Jamaica in a last minute trip via private jet. Sannelig, don t anerkjenne den personen Lisa Riley aksepterer forbløffende throwback snap som hun bekjenner stolthet på hennes 10 STONE vekttap. I know my days are numbered Sir Michael Caine, 84, loses TWO STONE amid cancer fears as he credits wife Shakira for keeping him going. Your music is engraved inside us forever Mick Jagger leads celebrity tributes following Chuck Berry s death. Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn enjoy mother-daughter bonding as they head to baby shower as Kurt Russell mops the driveway. Amanda Seyfried steps out with husband Thomas Sadoski for the first time since nude photo leak. Familie tid Doting mamma Geri Horner vugger en måneds gammel sønn Montague i en søt Instagram snap med ektemann Christian og deres barn. The thought of losing Kim is emotionally scarring Kris Jenner ends interview in tears as she recalls the horror of Paris robbery. How does she do it Rebecca Judd prepares to dine on a MASSIVE steak during lavish ladies night out as she flaunts her slender figure in blue dress. Pia Mia sizzles in a silver bikini as she flaunts every inch of her svelte figure during sun-soaked Hawaiian holiday. I m more than just a pretty face Model Adriana Lima says she wants people to look at beyond her body after meeting with spiritual guru. Hollywood hunks Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds look handsome in matching dark suits for screening of Life at SXSW. An uphill battle Hollywood star Jude Law works up a sweat as he ventures out for a jog in north London. Hot mama Behati Prinsloo shows off her sexy post-baby body just five months after giving birth. Missing Joey Lauren Goodger passionately puckers up to a female pal in saucy snap as she reveals plans for jailbird beau to star alongside her in new reality series. Chic cast Mandy Moore is gorgeous in green as Chrissy Metz rocks floral number at This Is Us PaleyFest LA presentation. Olivia Culpo dazzles in ripped top and jeans as she picks up a pink juice after romantic vacation with hunky boyfriend Danny Amendola. Australian TV legend Bert Newton is extremely ill and rushed to hospital with pneumonia. Caring comedian Ben Stiller helped to raise over 1million for starving Somalis Ben Stiller s a big star with an even bigger heart. They ve been getting close Nicholas Hoult is dating Playboy pinup Bryana Holly who has been linked with Brody Jenner and Leonardo DiCaprio. Over-dressed for dinner Alec Baldwin, 58, poses with wife Hilaria, 33, in black tie by the stove in their kitchen. She s a sex kitten Skye Wheatley flaunts EXTREME cleavage in raunchy lingerie paired with a lace pussycat headpiece. Puppy love Animal lovers Kate Upton and Justin Verlander host a dog adoption event in Florida. REVEALED Mel Gibson has been quietly donating money to Holocaust survivors for the past decade as he tries to make amends for his infamous 2006 anti-Semetic rant. SPOILER ALERT As Lauren contemplates cheating on Steven Beale, questions are asked about just who her mystery admirer really is on EastEnders. Road trippin Kim Zolciak og datteren Brielle Snap opp en storm da de utholder lang bil og båttur til Venezia. Det vil bli en liten, privat sammenkomst George Michaels begravelse satt til sted i 30-seters kapell på Highgate Ceremony for å minimere risikoen for å bli mobbet av fans. Neighbours ikke mer klassisk australsk såpe kunne forsvinne fra våre skjermer etter 31 år som snakker over Britisk tv avtale stall. Jeg har samme frykt og trepidations som alle kvinner har Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry avslører bekymringer for å miste henne ser fremover på australske turen. I just wanted to stay hidden away forever Kym Marsh admits her children saved her after tragic death of son Archie and helped her prepare for stillbirth storyline on Corrie. A right Royal blunder Sarah Morgan, 16, FORGETS the lyrics to Lorde classic and is sent home during tense quarter final on The Voice UK. Talk of wedding bells has started Jeremy Kyle is planning to marry his children s former nanny Vicky Burton after four month romance. Don t dine out in anger Noel Gallagher enjoys a dinner date with wife Sara MacDonald in his native Manchester. Mom on the run Gwen Stefani cuts a chic figure in army green trousers as she picks up her boys from her parents house. Tickled pink Make-up free Scarlett Moffatt emerges from her London pad in eye-catching outerwear as she heads for next instalment of Saturday Night Takeaway. Part of the family Jennifer Lopez snaps photos with new boyfriend Alex Rodriguez sister Suzy. I hope I soaked up her bada ery Olivia Wilde looks bruised and beaten in Instagram snap as filming on A Vigilante wraps. Red hot Victoria s Secret model Devon Windsor parades her bikini bod in tiny two-piece as she celebrates anniversary with boyfriend in Miami. Practising with another Child s Pregnant Amy steps out in hair rollers as she flaunts her blossoming bump in clingy co-ord set while doting on baby cousin. Getting serious Nancy Kerrigan waltzes into DWTS practice with a foam roller for her stretches. You wouldn t belieb who we ran into Justin Bieber mobbed by a group of POLICE in Sydney. Oh baby Ryan Lochte takes a walk with pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid as she shows off her bump in fitness gear. Not much has changed Nostalgic Millie Mackintosh shares two sweet throwback snaps from her childhood. Jesus Christ, this is horrendous Twitter users SLAM Gogglebox s Dom and Steph and accuse them of being drunk as they perform on Let s Sing And Dance. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Liz Hurley s dream date Her 14-year-old son as strapping teenager accompanies her to movie premiere. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Katie has finally got Jordan off her chest but Pricey is still going strong. GIRL ABOUT TOWN The grim and dim reality of being a star is painted in their Instagram snaps. GIRL ABOUT TOWN Romeo Beckham s new job steps away from Burberry glamour as he washes up cups in a cafe for 2 73 an hour. Cream of the crop Newly-slim Katie McGlynn flaunts her toned abs and TINY waist in sequin cut-out maxi dress at The Christie Charity Ball. Soccer mom on duty Jennifer Garner dons skinny jeans to take Seraphina and Violet to sports match. I had opened a nasty can of worms Carrie Bickmore speaks out about parenting in the age of social media, as she reveals she was once called negligent by other mothers online. The Voice of doom Saturday night talent contest poached from the BBC for 300million has already lost HALF of its six million viewers. She might as well have put her hand in a blender Carrie Bickmore speaks out about Rachael Finch s parenting. MasterChef star Gregg Wallace reveals he was targeted by elderly couple who police are investigating for fraud after they spent 1million of investors money living at a plush London hotel. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. We can accomplish big goals Demi Lovato speaks to the U N with her Smurfs cartoon co-stars in attendance. Holy rollers Justin Bieber takes a bike tour around Auckland with the Hillsong pastor who baptised the pop star in a bathtub. He s expected to return imminently Danny Dyer heads back to Eastenders after a month off to discuss scripts as show writers work round the clock to amend his storyline. She s wants to focus on other areas Prince Harry s girlfriend Meghan Markle ready to quit acting after wrapping next season of Suits. It s public, how mother would want it Todd Fisher unveils plans for spectacular memorial to Debbie Reynolds and sister Carrie. Exes On The Town Charlotte Dawson flaunts her busty cleavage in plunging figure-hugging number while birthday girl Jenny Thompson sizzles in lace-up LBD. EXCLUSIVE I am the only person in the world to have it Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves spills all on his pioneering butt lift after REVOKING his World Record Book application. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Mebourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. Big sister duties Rochelle Humes shares heart-melting photo of daughter Alaia and newborn baby Valentina. Nadia and Anthony OVER Married At First Sight couple split after race caller DUMPS brunette beauty out of the blue before reunion show. Vacation vibes Chrissy Teigen and John Legend pose for a family selfie with daughter Luna. Billie Faiers continues to flaunt her incredible post-baby body after welcoming newborn son with fiance Greg Shepherd just ONE WEEK ago. I m very happy he s really great Lisa Hogan, 46, reflects on her blossoming relationship with Jeremy Clarkson, 56, for the FIRST time. Now Jaime Pressly is targeted as burglar steals laptop and jewelry days after Kendall Jenner was robbed of 200,000. Proper grown ups Corrie star Lucy Fallon buys house with new beau just one year afer moving out of flat she shared with ex boyfriend. Age-defying Melanie Sykes, 46, showcases her incredible abs as she puts on busty display in sports bra selfie. All the fun of the fair Stacey Solomon and Imogen Thomas bring along their broods for day out at star-studded Chessington ride launch. No sign of an itch Model Jacqui Ritchie glows with happiness as she shares seven year anniversary snap with beardy husband Guy on sunset bathed rooftop. She looks like a 10 10 but she just farted Bikini-clad Louise Thompson is outed by boyfriend Ryan Libbey for PASSING WIND while posing for sexy holiday snap in Dubai. Weekend vibes Charlotte McKinney flashes her midriff as she gets a post-workout coffee with a friend. Reese Witherspoon wows in red for Disney Springs opening and gets surprise visit from Beauty And The Beast s Josh Gad. Put a ring on it Fans beg TOWIE hunk Mario Falcone to propose to girlfriend Becky as couple share romantic holiday snaps on the beach. Body is really getting there Vicky Pattison displays sensational frame in strappy black bikini as she lauds progress with slimmed-down figure. I m taking control Kaitlyn Bristowe, 31, freezes her eggs and The Bachelorette fiance Shawn Booth is fully behind her. Newly slimline Tina Malone continues image overhaul as she debuts edgier peroxide blonde pixie cut while leaving London hair salon. Now, where s that puddy tat Bella Hadid rocks a Tweety jacket as she dresses head to toe in 90s fashion She s a child of the 90s. Chic Cat Deeley shows off her enviably slender figure in flouncy white top and jeans as she steps out for lunch in LA with husband Patrick Kielty. If Salvador Dali can do a chocolate advert, it s fine Noel Fielding s pal reveals why comic decided to accept Bake Off presenter role. We re fighting for each other Blac Chyna reveals she still loves wonderful dad Rob Kardashian as she stops by his birthday party. Go hang yourself EOTB s Zahida Allen exposes vile racist troll branding her dirty p i with suicide slur after claims co-star Chanelle McCleary dubbed her a crusty naan bread. TOWIE s Dan Edgar s fraudulent investment company scammed customers out of 450k selling overpriced coloured diamonds. Touchdown Angelina Jolie and her six children arrive back in Los Angeles after their European humanitarian tour. Lottie Moss leaves little to the imagination as she flashes her endless legs from beneath barely-there mini with fur coat for night on the town. Tamara Ecclestone coordinates with birthday girl daughter Sophia in matching leather jackets during fun day out. Hair s to you Jessica Biel looks glamorous in bold make-up as she rolls back time with decades old curly style. Adele just rolled by in a black box Melbourne fans cheer a BOX being wheeled towards the stage after the superstar s secret concert entrance is exposed. I find funny in dark places I m A Celebrity s Nazeem Hussain dishes on the pressure of being a Muslim ambassador as his success soars. It was so hard, so draining and testing Rio Ferdinand admits he contemplated suicide in lowest ebb after telling his kids of wife Rebecca s death. George Michael s lover Fadi Fawaz faces legal action as tragic star s family desperately seek to turf him out of singer s 5million London home. Retail therapy Kendall Jenner shows off her toned tummy in crop top as she indulges in a shopping trip with BFF Hailey Baldwin days after shock 200k jewellery theft. Now that s multi-tasking Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis juggle the kids as they head out for a morning coffee. A royal embrace Chic Princess Charlene cuddles up to daughter Gabriella, 2, as the Monaco royal family enjoy a day at a charity rugby tournament. Her confidence is something else TOWIE star Gemma Collins wows fans as she flaunts slimmed-down physique in LBD while seductively dancing. EXCLUSIVE He s deeply in tune with God and religion, there were no sexual favours Roze Cook reveals what REALLY happened at Justin Bieber s Melbourne boat party. Dazzling Kate opts for THREE costume changes in a matter of hours in Paris as she and William begin their two-day Brexit charm offensive. You can t touch this Danielle Mason strips totally NAKED for sizzling selfie as she continues to recover from terrifying seizure. It s basically two hours of crying and songs about my ex-boyfriend Adele jokes with fans at Melbourne show before breaking into an impersonation of her friend Beyonc. I thought this is it Kim Kardashian reveals she believed Paris robbers were a drunk Kourtney before admitting she thought she was going to die during ordeal. Mariah Carey puts on a VERY busty display in plunging PVC dress as she celebrates St Patrick s Day with beau Bryan Tanaka and children Moroccan and Monroe. Where s Richie The Bachelor s Alex Nation chats to mystery man at a Melbourne bar amid rumours she and her beau have split. They were NOT top of the list Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig chosen for GBBO after rejections from other A-List stars as its revealed bosses are worried about line-up. Nicki Minaj flaunts curvaceous figure in hot pink latex with futuristic shades as she joins Jason DeRulo in raunchy music video. It s traditional, and nobody speaks about it Tilda Swinton s ex-partner reveals he is the child of a loving incestuous relationship between his mother and grandfather. Rihanna rocks quirky sports-luxe ensemble for NYC night out as she prepares to star as ill-fated Marion Crane in Bates Motel. Justin Bieber has not spoken to police about headbutting case before departing the USA to embark on Purpose world tour. New babies Underwear-clad Sallie Axl shares shock snap with BLOOD-filled sacks attached to her bust as she parades results of boob job, rib removal and nose job. Glammed up Olivia Cox puts on a leggy display in spotty white dress and black jacket as she parties in London. Back to twerk Justin Bieber arrives in Auckland for New Zealand leg of his Purpose tour before enjoying a VERY intimate moment with back-up dancer. Kendall Jenner fires security guard after 200,000 worth of jewellery was stolen from her home as she recovers at exclusive Hollywood hotel. Not again Arnold Schwarzenegger is photographed riding a bicycle without a helmet in Melbourne after he was stopped by police for the SAME reason during his last visit in 2015. I said it s the worst idea you ve ever had Emma Freud reveals she first thought Richard Curtis s Comic Relief Love Actually special would be tacky and horrible. Eternally youthful Jane Fonda, 79, resembles a woman half her age as she shows off flawless skin and slim figure while filming scenes for TV show Grace and Frankie. Trying to be happy for a change Bikini-clad Courtney Stodden, 22, plasters on a smile as she shakes off pain from Doug Hutchison, 55, split. Charlotte Crosby is almost unrecognisable with plump pout and blue contacts in holiday selfie after sparking concern with VERY full lips in Snapchat video. Katie Price shows off her midriff as she cheers in delight as her horse comes in first place at the Gold Cup at Cheltenham races alongside husband. Ex On The Beach s Jess Impiazzi teases at her eye-popping assets with saucily unbuttoned shirt and ripped jeans for night out in Manchester. Blac Chyna showcases her derriere in skintight leggings as she celebrates Rob Kardashian s 30th birthday amid custody feud. He CAN feel her face The Weeknd puts on a tender display with girlfriend Selena Gomez as he gives her a kiss on the cheek while out in Toronto. As the campaign against Bex turned violent, there was so much bullying in Walford even Shirley Carter was being pushed around in EastEnders, by Jim Shel ley. And the National Television Award for worst CGI ever goes to Fans savage unrealistic looking train during Mick Carter s crying scene in EastEnders. Whatever floats her boat Myleene Klass exhibits her ample cleavage and toned abs in TINY bikini as she enjoys paddle-boarding in Sri Lanka. Sam Faiers is desperate to shed her Essex image as she hopes to relocate to Hertfordshire to start fresh and reposition her brand. Booting up Kate Beckinsale shows off her slender figure in black leggings and biker-style leather footwear. Kendall Jenner is seen for the first time since 200,000 of jewelry was stolen from her home keeping a low profile at famed celebrity hideout. Sexy in suede Cara Santana flashes a hint of cleavage in plunging green mini dress at St Patrick s Day SXSW event. Sophie was definitely in the Harry camp Friends of the Australian model pictured with Prince William on. The ten subtle ways you re adding 20 years to your face including the pillow you sleep on, having long hair. The ultimate sign you and your partner are meant to be and if you share this one thing you re in it for the. Mind massages, serotonin sling mocktails and a resident world-class shrink JANET STREET-PORTER checks. Australian model who was told her bloated stomach made her look PREGNANT reveals she quit the industry. Do YOU need a grown up gap year Hair salon manager, 28, who quit to spend her life savings travelling the. From crop tops to compression pants Rebecca Judd reveals new activewear range for KIDS so your little. My light bulb moment Chocolatier Mary Ann O Brien on how a serious illness helped uncover her passion. This is what 58 looks like Roseleen Malone says when it comes hair care, forget trends and stick to what. Selfies, queues for freebies and endless media walls Former Vogue editor Kirstie Clements reveals what. It got to the point where I broke down Neighbours actress Lilly Van Der Meer on the covert bullying she. From plunging necklines to black leather boots and long green SHORTS Femail takes a look at how Formula One. Your next adventure Find yourself a perfect infinity pool in Santorini, Bali or in the south of France. It comes down to timing, luck and passion How Instagram beauty Sjana Earp turned her 1 2 million. Shanghai Chic There really is something to suit EVERYONE in this season s trend for opulent oriental. MORE HEADLINES.

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